
Stop being friends with her. I’m serious. I think one of the only ways we’re going to get otherwise educated, socially conscious, etc. people to stop doing this shit is to make it a totally socially unacceptable thing. You bring up your anti-scientific bullshit at a party, that’s it, you’re shunned.

I teared up at the end of it and called my mom immediately. So sweet.


Ah, ok. I think that’s probably something that happens to Kanye a lot (people giving him narratives he didn’t actually intend.) 

Oh gosh, it was the VMAs? It was so long ago that I had forgotten .I wasn’t trying to embellish and I know he felt Beyonce should have won, but if I remember correctly that was wrapped up in the feeling that groundbreaking black artists tended to be ignored in favor of more generic white artists, right? I know that

Agree. I think she does a lot of really nice, positive stuff for her fans, too, which is one of the reasons I’ve always kind of had a soft spot for her.

I dunno, I still feel bad for Taylor. I’ve felt bad for her since he jumped onstage to interrupt her acceptance speech, and I think she was blindsided by the music video. I think recording someone’s phone-calls is really shitty.

Where did I suggest that she shouldn’t? Just that the media frenzy and glee over this, especially on outlets like Jezebel, are striking the wrong note for me.

Er, except for the fact that this was a cult in which the cult leader actively victimized women. That’s a reason.

What a heartbreaking quote.

What a heartbreaking quote.

What rush? That’s kind of my point - all the media coverage I’ve seen has been all about her and her sex slaves, when she was likely one of Raniere’s victims too. That doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be punished, but it does mean that the situation is nuanced.

Sure - you can be a perpetrator and a victim at the same time, though.

To be honest I haven’t been following the story as closely as others have, so I’ll defer to you. And I’m certainly not saying she deserves to escape punishment. I’ve just been saddened by the fact that all the media coverage seems to completely sensationalize and blame her, without pointing out the fact that she was

Right, but that doesn’t negate her victim status. When you’re a member of a cult you’re under control of the cult leader - it doesn’t matter if you’re the number 2 or the number 92, they’re all victims.

Something about this seems gross to me as it seems really likely that she was a victim too, no?

This is the tomato troll person, I think. Just ignore.

No, she’s an American author. I don’t think the Brits are any more into infidelity than we are.

I actually think he’s great in 27 Dresses!

Anyone else old enough / weird enough to remember the game on E! online where she would run around her dorm room trying to grab Ben or Noel? The little avatar would say “I want Ben!” and then yell “Ben Ben Ben Ben...” while you tried to catch him. Then switch and say “I want Noel!” while repeating “Noel Noel Noel” in