
I said almost!!! :)

It is in the article! Ridiculous.

The profile ALMOST made me feel kind of bad for her. Seems like she does not have many friends (or the friends she did have are in LA). So she seems to be pretty clingy with her husband, and he’s the typical middle-aged/old guy doting on his hot young wife. I’m guessing his teenage children from his first marriage are

You left out the best part of the profile: that she sometimes brings Steve Mnuchin to Soul Cycle with her, makes him sit on the bike behind her, and then blows him kisses in between songs.


I also don’t understand why Sara Gilbert is being a part of it. She’s gay right? Like married to a woman with children, etc. I don’t understand why she would allow herself to be part of something that lets Trump pat himself on the back like this.

Yup, this is my mom. She keeps saying to me “Stop being so dramatic, they are never going to get rid of abortion.” She doesn’t understand why it’s important. She thinks Roe v. Wade was it, the battle is over, and now she needs to worry about jobs.

I also put clothes on after sex. Like if I have to go to the bathroom, t-shirt and underwear go back on at least.

I mean, it’s completely wrong to give them first though. Just because you eventually give them doesn’t mean that it makes any sense to give them in a crisis situation. They don’t treat the problem at hand, the fact that your airways have closed and that you can’t breath. Giving them does nothing.

He does washed up but charming so well!

OMG that is amazing

Er, doctor here. No. Epinephrine, airway management, and fluids are the definitive, first-line treatment for anaphylactic shock, and this clinic didn’t do that. Antihistamines do nothing for the airways and thus would not have helped this patient. They help with the cutaneous symptoms - itching and hives.

I wonder if it’s done in clinics where the people have medical training - the people at this place obviously didn’t if they gave someone going into anaphylactic shock steroids.

I kind of love Music and Lyrics. Like sometimes I go listen to “Way Back Into Love” on YouTube. In fact I’m going to go do it right now. Don’t judge me.

Yup. I followed him on Instagram because I thought the “Gretchen” sketch was funny and he disappointing. So freaking petty, thin skinned, whiny. Now I keep following because he’s such a trainwreck. Stars, they’re just like us!

I am only 33. How does Carrie look so much younger than me.

Yeah, I mean the Masquerade aspect of Buffy was kind of part of the joke - the adults didn’t know because they didn’t want to know. They would see vampires literally right in front of their faces and continually dismiss them as tweakers high on PCP, when Buffy would protest the principal would yell at her and threaten

Yeah, I mean the Masquerade aspect of Buffy was kind of part of the joke - the adults didn’t know because they didn’t want to know. They would see vampires literally right in front of their faces and continually dismiss them as tweakers high on PCP, when Buffy would protest the principal would yell at her and threaten

Someone (Hot Topic, maybe?) put out an actual line of their clothes last year. Like, Willow’s puffy pink flower sweater. All I could think was, I didn’t want to wear these clothes when it was the 90s, I certainly don’t want to wear them now that I’m in my 30s, and I don’t think the teenagers of today want to wear