
This feels very apropos as I just spent my whole weekend reading Xander/Spike fanfiction and remembering how desperately I loved Buffy.

Also, it drove me crazy that we’re supposed to be pissed about the new girlfriend being young, and yet Woody Harrelson’s wife was 21 years younger than him. That’s not gross though I guess because...?

Cate Blanchett made one ill-advised joke about naming her son after Polanski on Jimmy Kimmel. ONCE. And she was clearly joking. I really wish people would stop spreading this stupid, stupid bullshit. For context, she said her other child was named after Captain Underpants.

I’m 33 and he legitimately looks like a child to me. I guess because he was a child to me when I saw him on Friends and on Big Daddy, and I can’t age him beyond that? I don’t know. Is this what being old is? Can I no longer find 25 year olds attractive?

Wow. I have never heard of this movie and now I desperately want to watch it. I feel like it’s what everyone needs right now. Hopefully it has a happy ending - they get away with it and continue killing horrible people?

I’m hopeful the gerrymandering case is going to go the right way, actually. Sounds like the pro-gerrymandering people have been having a pretty difficult time making their case.

I’m really convinced that the more they keep pushing this religious stuff, the only way to fight it is going to be to start insisting on religious rights for stuff OTHER than main-stream Christians. A Jehovah’s Witness who owns a company needs to insist that their insurance not cover blood transfusions, for instance.

I’ll keep trying! Sadly these people don’t really seem to care about facts, science, or the opinion of medical professionals. But I agree, it’s important for doctors, nurses, etc., to loudly tell people what this actually looks like, rather than what people imagine it looks like (ie callous baby killers.)

Sadly I have a Red Congresscritter. I’ve repeatedly tried to call / write him about medical stuff (ACA, etc.) but I don’t think he’s listening.

Yeah, I actually almost wish this article didn’t group in “find out about their pregnancies late,” as a reason for second trimester abortions. I observed them while I was training, and not one woman was there for an “elective” abortion. Every single one was devastated because they had just found out something horrible

Aw, I LOVE Hocus Pocus!

Brand new doctor here with a PSA - I see a lot of people in the comments getting colposcopies and annual PAPs who don’t sound like they actually need such extensive testing. ACOG recently changed the recommendations, and a lot of OB/GYNs, especially older ones in private practice, don’t know / don’t care. It’s one of

There are people who actually feel this way and tone is difficult on the internet. No need to be rude.

Even when the only reason they don’t go through with it is because they got caught? (IE policeman posing as hitmen, etc.) What do you think should be done with these people, then?

I feel like there’s a huge difference between, “You have a right to take your own life, here are tips on how to do it so that it is as painless and peaceful as possible,” and telling someone to get back in the car when they decide at the last minute that they don’t want to commit suicide and are scared. You know?

That’s really interesting and not something I had thought about. The shows definitely encourage them to drink all the time, since that ups the drama.

I know. And she seems to be really close with them, so you know they’re internalizing it.

I know! I think the same thing. I only hope I look that good in 20 years.

I keep seeing her on Instagram posting pictures of her former self, accompanied by really sad captions. It’s terrible. I’ve gained a lot of weight in the past two years, and I’m about to start trying to take it off (the diet starts tomorrow, etc.). And I do sometimes look at old pictures and think about how good I

I keep seeing her on Instagram posting pictures of her former self, accompanied by really sad captions. It’s terrible. I’ve gained a lot of weight in the past two years, and I’m about to start trying to take it off (the diet starts tomorrow, etc.). And I do sometimes look at old pictures and think about how good I