
How do I become you? I HATE taking showers. I have to force myself to do it. I hate getting wet, I hate the feeling of being wet and cold after I get out. Blah.

I’m tired of this and have no sympathy for this woman. If your religious beliefs don’t allow you to perform the duties of a job, then don’t apply for / accept that particular job. Done. Don’t become a county clerk if you don’t believe in gay marriage, don’t become a flight attendant if you don’t believe in serving

I mean, admittedly I don’t have kids, but I pretty much always clear my plans with my partner, and vice-versa. And sometimes one of us will say, no, I need you at home today and I would really you rather not go see a movie / go out with your friends / go to the gym at that time, etc. It seems pretty standard and

Er...what am I missing here? He asked if it was OK for him to go to a movie, she said yes. He didn’t text her to tell her that he’d decided to go to a movie (something I’ve seen my friends’ husbands do). The fault here seems to be a lack of honest communication between them, not anything to do with feminism. It would

Ah, didn’t know that. I’m still doubting the story, but that at least makes that part make sense. Thanks!

I hesitate to tell this because it will probably instantly dox me to anyone I grew up with, but here goes.

I’m still really doubtful that story was even real. As lots of people pointed out, he would have had to buy $1825 worth of Starbucks cards, register each of them with 365 different e-mail accounts, and then keep track of exactly which card needed to be used for each day. And if he was doing all of that, why would he

Yup. I had a cab driver the other day who was chuckling about some idiotic thing Trump was saying about torture on the radio. “I like this guy!” said the cab driver. I just gave what was meant to be a polite smile but I’m pretty sure was a horrible grimace.

We need to stop publicizing this stuff. No TV shows, no People magazine articles. Being all for reproductive rights does not mean being all for irresponsible medicine. The doctors who impregnated her knowing it was more than likely she’d bring babies into the world that will suffer lifelong health consequences should

It’s a completely made-up story. Unless the guy has made 365 separate Starbucks accounts, with 365 different e-mail addresses, it wouldn’t work. Also, why would the guy care about the price when he’s using his free birthday drink?

The tooth fairy brought me and my sister silver dollars. I saved them all, I still have the box full of them. It was a cool, special gift and I didn’t go out and waste it on candy or something, so I plan to do something similar if I ever have kids.

Just tell me - that cute puppy they show in the trailer dies in a horrible way, right? That’s why I can’t bring myself to see this.

This is so amazing. I am so sad I didn’t get to experience this!!!

You’re making a lot of sense and this is a very nuanced comment, unlike, unfortunately, a lot of people’s thoughts on eating animals.

Not this kind of hunting, though. My grandfather was back woodsy and loved hunting turkeys and deer. He would have been seriously disgusted by this story.

I also heard on NPR that because she ended up being charged with resisting arrest she was being held all alone in a high-security area, is that right? That can’t be easy, especially when you’re someone who was part of the Black Lives Matter movement and thus has a lot of knowledge about how bad the situation you’re in

Thank you for throwing a Gak reference in for all of us 90s kids out there who needed this excellent breakdown because we’re too old to understand Twitter fights.

I mean, didn’t they meet and get together when he was cheating on his first wife? It’s not really a big surprise and as a result I really don’t get all the “love is dead” stuff...

This makes me sad. Growing up, I had to have a lot of surgeries in New York, and also had to travel there once a year for check ups. In an attempt to make it fun and not horrible, my parents always took me and my sister to FAO Schwarz and allowed us to choose one toy each, within reason. I usually got one of the

It kind of just goes to show how important parental involvement / money is for these kids. Chelsea and her sister (her sister is a teen mom too, right?) obviously didn’t have very good sexual education or make responsible decisions, but once they got pregnant their dad has been there for them every step of the way.