
Hah! Perfection.

And then Gravity came out and everyone was so pissed they wasted their Oscar!

Going to pipe up in defense of Laverne Cox. Andy plies his guests with tons of alcohol on this show and then just sort of takes over, and the guests are really just there as his chorus. So I think there’s probably a good chance that Laverne Cox had no idea what was going on, no idea what Andy was talking about, and

That is exactly what I took from this interview!

Women want to have more control of their birthings; they want empathy and sometimes even maternal tenderness. Many believe those virtues are easier found in other women.

Yeah, med school. And I get it, doctors are way better off than most people, but people tend not to realize we come out of school and have to spend at least 4 years afterwards making not much money with 6 figure debt. I’m an older student too, so I’ll be in my mid 30s by the time I graduate, late 30s by the time I

Ugh, that is terrible! You’re stressing me out a bit (not your fault) cause I’m about to start my second year of school and am already 100K in debt - I was counting on the doctor loan in order to ever be able to buy a house.

Have you guys looked into a doctor’s mortgage? They tend to be very, very forgiving of med school debt because doctors are really good risks.

I think he does. Which is so ew and totally ruins what is a really sexy song otherwise.


Does anyone have suggestions for cool bars in Paris that are tourist friendly (ie neither of us speak any French really). I’m going to be there next week and I’m so, so excited!!!

I think the point is that if you don’t know about wine, it does not make sense for you to spend money on an expensive wine, because you will likely enjoy the cheap wine just as much, if not more. Not that expensive wine shouldn’t exist, or that you aren’t allowed to enjoy it.

Yes in that first pic you posted of him he looks like a little cartoon fox. I am so jealous! :)

Oh my gosh, I never would have guessed Pomeranian, I don’t usually think they’re that cute. He’s the cutest Pomeranian I’ve ever seen!!!

What kind of dog is Bill??? I need him in my life...

My “anxiety dream” is that I’m back in college, in a class that I need to graduate, and it’s the night before the final and I haven’t been to class since the semester began. It’s always this intense, stressful experience, and when I wake up it takes me a little while to stop panicking and realize that I graduated

Anyone ever had a hernia / sports hernia? I’ve got what feels like a tear in my lower abdominal muscles on the right, and from internet consulting it seems like it’s one of those two things. It is pretty much fine and non-painful when I’m still or when I’m walking upright, but things like sitting up from bed are

They usually vary pretty widely in height, weight and age but most have normal anatomy - you learn what’s “normal” first so that later on when you’re in the hospital you can tell what’s abnormal. If there’s something wrong - say you’re doing a breast exam and the patient knows she has a mass - she’ll warn you that

No. I don’t know why they’re claiming it’s a common thing. I’m in med school and we occasionally do non-invasive things on each other: listening with stethoscopes, ear and eye exams, blood pressure, etc. But we would never, ever be asked to submit to an invasive procedure like this. We have standardized patients who

It’s pretty tight, but right now I’m just saying “ASAP” so that I can try to get as many pictures as possible - if you’re interested but need some time to take pictures that’s probably OK.