
Honestly, I'd drive around and look for another spot - one that had not been obviously dug out - in order to keep the peace with my neighbors. I don't expect others to do that if it's not what they want to do. But it's what people do on my block if we get a big snowstorm (which, since it's Philly, is not that

I love Meryl but I think that's a bizarre nomination. American Sniper was a good attempt but at the end of the day didn't actually accomplish getting its message across, so all those nominations also strike me as bizarre.

I'm pretty clearly talking about it as a neighborhood phenomenon where the vast majority of the people who park on the street are people who live on that street. We all recognize each other's cars, we all know which spot we dug out that morning, and we don't park in spots that others have dug out as a courtesy to each

I'd be pissed if someone took a spot I'd taken a long time shoveling out, and I don't think it hurts anyone to bitch about life's daily annoyances a little bit. But I would never say anything to them, leave a mean note, vandalize their car, etc. I view it the same way as holding doors open for people - I do it for

Totally agree that pouring garbage cans over someone's car is an asshole move. Even if there were 3 feet of snow it would be an asshole move.

She can park, she just may have to spend extra time looking for a spot / shovel out her own spot if she doesn't want garbage cans dumped on her car. That obviously sucks and isn't right AT ALL, but the family didn't create the situation and being a nurse is her job. The daughter isn't the one who should be punished

It may just not be a thing where you live - it's a thing where I live, and I choose not to park in people's dug out spots because I don't want my car vandalized in the neighborhood where I work. In the neighborhood where I live, no one would vandalize, but people would recognize your car and be pissed. So I dig out my

I mean, if it's in your neighborhood and that's the code all your neighbors have agreed to live by, and you decide to just go park in their spaces willy-nilly, you're the asshole. Because then the person whose space you took has to go take someone else's space...etc. etc. etc.

So, obviously people should not be dumping garbage cans over people's cars, but I sort of feel like the nurse is also being a jerk here. She's threatening to quit and leave the family high and dry over something the family did not do and has no control over?

Now playing

I assume you've seen this, which I kind of secretly love?

I'm so sorry for your loss, and thank you so much for sharing your story. One day, enough of these stories will get through to these idiots (I hope.)

How do you say it nicely? This is what I can't figure out. It's not enough to just not invite the children, since so many parents assume that if they're invited their children are as well. Is saying "Please note: this is an adults only event" on the invitation rude? It seems like it.

I think they're frozen in time relative to how old you were when you watched them!

Does anyone else have that horrible Friends phenomenon of realizing that you're older than they are meant to be and freaking out? They seemed SO GROWN UP when I was a teenager.

The article I read said that more than half the theaters in the US had already pulled out of showing it. I think Sony didn't really have much of a choice at that point.

The only way I can get my boyfriend to successfully lose weight is by dieting with him, though. Since we eat so many meals together, he's not able to tolerate seeing me eating "normally" while he's restricting himself. This ends up being really frustrating since I always have a lot less weight to lose and am ready to

I'm replying too late for this to be seen, most likely, but my boyfriend and I are completely open and comfortable about finding other people attractive. We'll watch Supernatural and discuss what a beautiful man Jensen Ackles is, he'll see a guy when we're in the coffee shop he knows is my type and make a joke about

Editing because I recommended the I Hate to Cook Book before reading the rest of your thread. :)

Stuff like this is so, so stupid. There was a flight in Russia where the pilot decided to let his son "pretend" to fly the plane - and guess what, it crashed, and 75 people died.

I've gotten asked out by my Uber X drivers about 4-5 times since we got it in my city. It's never made me feel unsafe - it's usually at the end of the ride, they give me their number, ask me to call them, etc. But I do feel it's inappropriate and so I never know what to do. I don't want to lose these guys their jobs,