
Oh god, that post was from a long time ago before my life fell apart - I'm actually now repeating a big chunk of M1 because my dad got cancer in the middle of it and wish my problem was procrastinating during biochem. So I'm going to be a 5-year med student, graduating in her mid-30s, with a huge amount of debt, and a

Nope, you're not Kinja-stupid, they got rid of them. So lame! Assuming we're both still on here in 3 years, I'll definitely be finding you and picking your brain, since NYC is one of my hopeful residency spots (I moved from there to go to med school, and miss it desperately, even though I think Philly's pretty great

Sigh - you went to my first choice. I'm at the institution that's been in the news lately due to a certain rape-y alum.

Yoga Nerd MD, this thread has convinced me you're my soulmate! I want to be in peds too (currently an M1), I love every defense you mount against woo-woo bullshit on here, I desperately want a corgi and plan to get one the minute my life settles down (if that ever happens), AND I'm a rider. You don't by any chance

I'm so, so sorry. My dad's in treatment for pancreatic cancer right now.

Thanks so much - the anecdotal evidence, and your last part about your mom is very hope-giving. He is unfortunately refusing to even entertain the idea of counseling, and in fact reacts so badly that I'm scared to bring it up anymore. I'm pretty sure he could benefit from it hugely, so that sucks.

Yeah - it's hard to know where to draw the line between "we understand you really don't feel well and are scared" and "you're being really cruel to us and we're just trying to help you." But even when it's the second scenario, you don't feel like you can walk away. Cancer is the worst. :(

He's 58 - is that old enough to count as "older"?

What is the unsharer's deal??? Ugh.

Sure, thank you so much! I had hoped the main page might have more people, but realize I may be too late to get much traction. :(

Hopefully I'm not too late for this - has anyone had someone they loved go through a cancer diagnosis and treatment and turn into an unrecognizable monster? My mother, sister, and I are doing the best we can and my dad is just being horrible to us. He's not the person he was before, and honestly we're kind of scared

Sorry, I should have been a lot clearer in my reply that I was thinking more along the lines of endangering the fetus, not terminating, through acts like taking illegal drugs. You don't have the right to give your already born kids drugs, I'm not sure why you should have the right to give them to a fetus you intend to

Maybe I should have made it clearer that I was talking less about things like healthcare decisions and termination decisions, and more about things like drug taking. Once the children are born, we certainly care about whether or not their parents are exposing them to drugs - but it's just as dangerous to do something

I'm talking less about termination and health care issues, which I think should solely lie in the hands of the mother, and more about things like taking drugs. But of course, even then things are very slippery-slopeish, since many women have to weigh the risks of taking their life-saving prescriptions against the

Unpopular opinion here: as someone who is vehemently pro-choice, I still think this is a way more complicated issue than "until the fetus is born, it has no rights."

My dad is going through chemotherapy right now, and so I've had to listen to a bunch of people tell me he shouldn't be on it because it's "so toxic." I've really run out of patience for it. Being toxic is kind of the point.

Thank you for saying this. All chemo drugs are "a toxic poison and will make you incredibly sick." They're also miracle workers for many people.

It sounds like it was actually "black woman, white man, in a black Mercedes outside this address" which seems more specific to me. But despite also watching tons of SVU, I have no idea what constitutes probable cause.

To be fair she didn't really have anything to do with the Kanye stuff, right?

When people are high risk, it's not usually done at an outpatient clinic though.