
Ok, I do all those things, so hopefully the servers aren't thinking about me as much as I'm thinking about them! :)

Ok, that makes me feel a lot better, since I'm pretty sure I'm nice about it!

I'm not going to say what I get because I think it's specific enough that it would identify me to people who know me, but it's similar to the first story - eating a garnish-type item that is not really meant to be eaten by itself. I probably get it twice a month. I'm always polite and pretty self-deprecating about it

Yeah, I completely agree. I have some weird food tastes / issues for mental reasons, and I always try to be really nice when asking for things. But the blue cheese story is not that far off from something I really love to get at my favorite restaurant, and I'm always really scared that the servers are making fun of me

Hah, thank you! I definitely will be having a big glass of champagne when it finally shows up!

Thanks! :) Someone else asked if I'm under a lot of stress, and I am, so maybe that is causing it. And then this is making more stressed, so that just makes it worse!

Yup, desperately hoping for a negative result. I don't think I'll really relax until I get my period.

I am actually under an insane amount of stress right now, so that might be the culprit. I know the chances that I got pregnant on the pill, at 30 years old, are pretty low, but I don't think I've ever had a period this late before, and I'm dealing with a lot of stuff that would make having a baby close to impossible,

Nope, trying NOT to get pregnant and am actually dealing with a dying father right now, so pregnancy would be an unbelievable disaster for me. Thank you for the reassurance, people who are trying to conceive strike me as unbelievable experts on this stuff, so you just made me feel a lot better.

Yeah - I considered going out and buying the kind with words earlier today, but I am strapped for cash at the moment and decided I didn't really want to spend $20 if I was just being crazy. I guess I will wait a week and hope that my period reappears - never thought I'd be this desperate for my period.

I use the pill. In the middle of July I threw up, but thought it was long enough after I took the pill that I didn't feel the need to use back-up BC.

Does anyone have much experience with false-negative pregnancy tests?

I actually don't agree with what others have said here. If the two of you are paying equal rent, it's her home as much as yours, and you have no right to tell her who she is and isn't allowed to have visit. You're allowed to say things like you don't want her around your dog, so if the sister is coming over she has to

My point is that it's not some sort of universal truth that Josh is physically beautiful. In fact I would argue that if Bachelorette viewers were polled, they would be pretty evenly split between Nick and Josh. Obviously Josh works out, but he has a fairly unattractive face, which counts for a lot.

You know, plenty of women vastly prefer men who look like Nick to men who look like Josh. It's only weird, bitter nice guys who think that muscle-bound lunkheads are the only ones who can attract beautiful women.

Please tell his fiancee. I had a similar thing happen to me, but I was the fiancee in the scenario, and I would have done anything to get a warning about what was going on.

Did this really happen??? I love it so much!

Why did your mom and the rest of you not warn her in the first place? Or did you not realize that he was lying to her about his age?

Who told you that all amphibians are reptiles? That's not correct. Amphibians and reptiles are distinctly different groups. They reproduce and develop in completely different ways.