
You might have a point if they themselves were dressed in bikinis and short shorts in the video. But they're not. And even though you obviously feel like it's OK to look down on women who dye their hair a certain color, blonde hair does not = objectification. And the song is not about how female singers in country

My dad is an anesthesiologist, and this is a totally normal and expected side effect of anesthesia, so normal that I promise no one in the room will even bat an eyelash. And embarrassing is SO MUCH better than ridiculously offensive, which apparently happens a lot (people yelling racial slurs as they wake up, etc.)

I'm someone who runs so that I can eat more shitty food, and I don't think there's a problem with it as long as you try to be accurate with the calories you're expending vs. the calories you're eating. I think the problem isn't people exercising to "earn" treats, it's that most people don't have any idea of how few

I think in Orlando they only have Express Pass, which only lets you skip some of the line. It's a lot cheaper than the LA one (which also has variable pricing but is always over $100.)

At Universal Hollywood they have "Front of the Line" passes you can buy for $179. They give you the ability to just waltz straight to the front on all the attractions. I'm guessing this will come to Orlando soon. I feel torn about it - on the one hand, awesome, but on the other hand it seems just another way that rich

Whenever I watch stuff from the 90s I'm struk by how NORMAL everyone's bodies looked. Like, obviously they're still beautiful and fit normal conventions, but not like now. Even Posh, while obviously thin, does not look skeletal. As opposed to now where most famous women are not only teensy tiny thin but also sculpted

He's normally a commenter I really like, so I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but this thread is kind of a mess.

I think the issue people are having with you in this thread is that you've set it up as an either or situation: I'd like to live my life entirely selfishly and spend my money all on me, but because I plan on having kids I won't be living my life entirely selfishly!

OK, sorry! A lot of us who don't want kids get the "but that's so selfish" thing all the time, and so are quick to jump all over it. :)

Huh? How is it selfish to make a choice not to have children? I really hate this view and find it insanely offensive.

I don't know - I mean, obviously neither of us were there but to me he seems like he was more testing the chain aspect than the type of food itself. And I can sort of get that. I love really good food but I also love Olive Garden and Chili's, and I think people who are constantly going on about how terrible chain

Dallas BBQ, perhaps? They may be cheesy, but I have many happy memories of the nights I had after one too many of their giant margaritas.

My mom had me and my sister, and yet HATES seeing women breastfeed in public. She thinks it's disgusting, hippy-dippy, earth-mother stuff and nothing will convince her otherwise. I'm not sure what she did when we were children - had a cover, or something, I guess? A lot of people don't like seeing others do things a

It's not safe for everyone, but it is safe for her. Different things are safe for different people in pregnancy.

Depends on where the photos were stolen from, would be my guess.

I'm guessing they can't show the images on the show without finding the people and getting a release signed.

I wasn't commenting on what he said, I was commenting on her statement that suggesting it may be due to pregnancy means you're saying that women are INCAPABLE of acting polite during pregnancy. I thought that was ridiculous.

I was with Lainey until this bit: "Please. Please don't do that. Please don't use the biology of women, something so beautiful, and turn it into a deficiency. Because if that's the excuse – she was difficult and truculent and uncooperative because she's pregnant – then what you're really saying is that women who are

Thanks. Mine has pancreatic. I'm sorry about your dad too, best of luck to you guys!