
Yup! I actually find them worse than the braggers. My aunts are like this, and are actually so terrible that my father has decided to not tell them that he has cancer, in order to avoid them making his illness the newest issue in their personal dramas.

I'm sorry for your loss. Please don't feel freaked out - if it brings you some comfort, that's a good thing. You're not hurting anyone.

Good luck! I've had really good success with Weight Watchers.

I also remember one of my female Sims being "shunned" by other Sims because she got pregnant out of wedlock. I haaaated that.

Did you personally bite the head off of this guy's bird?

Oh that's so sad! The same thing happened to me with Rugby - they had these really cool pillows they refused to sell me when they were open. But then when I heard they were closing all the stores, I wasn't able to get there quickly enough to beg!

It's still there! Right off Rittenhouse Square. Maybe you can go ask them.

As a justification for a shorter sentence for the woman, maybe. Not as a way to claim that the murder didn't actually happen, which is what happens in rape cases.

I mean, I get what you're saying, but those instances are people using self-defense as a reasoning to commit murder. It's people trying to say yes, they killed someone, but there was a valid reason for it. Self defense is considered a valid reason to use deadly force. There's no valid reason to rape somebody, and yet

I actually gave several ways that you could easily challenge the murder victim's credibility, despite them being dead. We just don't do that, because in everything but rape we don't think it's appropriate to blame the victim.

No, actually. It's a unique and terrible thing in rape cases, and it's what this article is trying to address. Think, for instance, of a murder. The defense lawyer might try to introduce another plausible suspect, question the evidence, discredit a witness. They might try to suggest that their client was not in their

This just made me literally LOL.

Yup. I've got a Facebook friend who happily chronicled her pregnancy, along with all of her crunchy anti-medical BS. Around the baby's due date, the posts stopped for a little while. Turned out the home birth didn't go well, the baby died when she was laboring at home, and she eventually had to have a C-section to

Does anyone else ever have really bad things happen to them and have that weird sensation of being in one of these movies? Like I'll be crying in the shower dramatically and think to myself "This is just like in a movie..."

I think part of the boys vs. girls dress code rules just has to do with what is in fashion for each gender. Boys don't wear short shorts for the most part, so the school doesn't need to regulate against them. Whereas where I live it seems to have become the fashion for girls to wear shorts so short that their butt

My doctor dad loves Scrubs and says it gets the weird antics of the hospital down perfectly.

LOfuckingL to him citing beer commercials as a way to refute rape statistics, when beer commercials are such a huge part of the pervasive rape culture in this country.