
That's an interesting perspective. I was young and insecure when I did it, and hearing the stuff he had to say about me fed into my worst insecurities. To the extent that I kind of still think about them now. Like, you know the stuff that bothers you but you tell yourself "no one notices it as much as you do?" Reading

Take it from someone who once did read through her boyfriend's email: don't do it! It's the worst. Think about all the stuff that you have said about your friends, your family, your partner to someone in a moment of anger, or frustration, or even when you were just being mean. And then think about saying it to that

I barely sweat so I only shower every other day. I actually HATE showering. These comments are making me feel gross though!

It always, always kills me that she was supposed to be Jenna on 30 Rock but got booted because she wasn't pretty enough. Not that Jane Krakowski wasn't great, but ugh.

This had me dying the other day, especially the stupid voice they give Tom Brady.

Caring that much about how some random internet stranger feels about some random actress is teenage bullshit. Calm down.

Just think, Sarah - if abortion wasn't legal, you wouldn't be able to smugly point out the choice you made to have Trig! You pretty much owe your whole martyr, mama-bear image to Roe v. Wade!

Something about her just annoys the crap out of me. It isn't logical, and I actually think she's very talented and always seems nice in interviews. But I can't get over that feeling of UGH every time I see her. I think for whatever reason she triggers that feeling in a lot of people.

I definitely think something happened to her. When you hear her describe her marriage, it sounds terribly terribly sad, and you can tell that with each passing year she gets more and more concerned about what will happen to her as her beauty fades. It's like a really extreme version of vanity that makes me think

I think she also tends to say shitty stuff without thinking that she really believes, and then when she realizes it was inappropriate (because she seems to not really have any sort of understanding of what is and isn't normal behavior) she tries to pass it off as a joke. Like, I have no problem believing that she

She bases her entire worth on male attention for some reason, even negative attention. I'm guessing something having to do with her father. It does not surprise me at all that she would interpret not being molested as "someone thought my sister was prettier than me." It's just terribly sad.

I mean, I can't even feel angry at Brandi when she says stuff like that, because I feel SO SORRY for her. She is desperate for male attention, she makes every situation sexual, and she is a deeply, deeply insecure person who clearly has terrible mental issues. She's someone who should clearly not be on television, but

Hope that move has some serious lesson learning going on about how gay men are people, not accessories. Otherwise, blech.

I'm 29 and my sister is 26, and our rooms at our parents house still look pretty child like. We put up posters and there is makeup and stuff, but there are also a lot of stuffed animals and dolls that we just never got rid of because we liked them and didn't want to.

I dunno. I don't feel like she's suggesting that unattractive women are sad sack. I feel like she's more saying that day in and day out we get a message from society that we are less worthy of love than beautiful women. And that is especially true in the media - think about chick flicks, where the girl is pretty much

It actually works, though not for everyone. I had a friend who used it and managed to lose a little weight before she became immune to it. The way it promotes weight loss is that the crystals basically make all your food taste kind of like onions, without you "realizing" that your food tastes like onions. And then low

Sigh. OK. Even though you are pretty clearly a troll, I am going to give you one more response in case anyone else is reading this.

Right, and that's your interpretation and it's totally cool. I also think it's the prettiest of the 4 covers. But that doesn't mean that people are wrong to point out the fact that maybe someone should have thought twice before making 3 covers that matched each other, and then a completely different cover for the only

Just because she liked the cover doesn't mean that there aren't racial and cultural implications in the way it was framed.

You realize that no one said that the kid was a prop or posited that the adoption was a ploy, right? You are making things up.