
But she did apologize...

Repudiate...what? That the entire Romney family, other than Kieran, is white? That the Republican party is not diverse?

I also feel like it cannot be emphasized enough that Harris-Perry is not even the one who made that remark!

I get what you're saying - that "come on, I didn't mean it THAT way" argument is infuriating. But I think what he's saying is sort of different. Harris-Perry isn't using that defense (she in fact said the exact opposite of what you're saying - that she didn't mean anything by it but that she thinks all that matters is

Not only was Beck reasonable, but that statement was also really nicely worded and thought-out. Color-me-shocked.

As someone who has a facial deformity (and had several surgeries, as a child, to try to make it less noticeable) I always hate that these articles bring out the "stand up to bullying!" comments. I actually was never bullied, but people very casually say stuff that they don't even mean to be cruel, and those casual

I feel like it's REALLY important to point out that Alexis' husband on Real Housewives of the OC owns a SkyZone. So take that into consideration when planning your 2014 workouts.

It just breaks my heart - we were so close and I considered her my best friend. But she is so volatile that it is unbearable to be around her.

My mother's mother died this time last year, so it was an emotionally difficult time before this even happened, and I feel just terrible that my sister and I are hurting her. But I also don't think it's good for me to be exposed to this.

Thanks, I'm going to leave in the morning (too upset to drive right this minute).

I'm going to leave in the morning (too upset to drive several hours right now.) Thanks.

Yup. I spend a lot of time wondering why it isn't like this with my partner - I don't think we've raised our voices to each other more than once in 6 years. And whenever something like this happens, I vow that I am done...and then things are OK, or there's a holiday coming up and I don't want to hurt my mother's

Yeah, I know, but I get so tired of walking on eggshells with her and acting like every ridiculous thing she says is right. Sometimes I just have to say something (the raise thing was in response to her complaining about being overworked!), and then she snaps.

She is actually dating the son of the guy who owns the company, which is what I made a nasty remark about and immediately apologized for. So you are probably right that I hit a nerve about something and she just lost her mind. But I don't know what I can do beyond apologizing many, many times, which I already did.

Thank you. I think it's more this weird office culture where she worships her boss and thinks it's somehow disrespectful to stand up to him.

Alright, I need some help. I'm at my parents house, trapped in my room while around me there is an epic meltdown going on.

FYI, many healthcare advocates believe that the high infant mortality rate is not a problem with healthcare, per se, but actually a problem resulting from the anti-choice, anti-contraception, anti-sex education mentality in this country. That high rate comes from the fact that we have more babies born prematurely than

I think you were trying to reply to me about the bodies.

This strikes me as highly, highly unlikely. There's a significant shortage of cadavers for medical schools and as a result when bodies are donated to science there is a huge amount of regulation, respect, and an attempt to use the body to teach as many people as possible. It seems really unlikely to me that in such a

Really? That strikes me as insane, since they spend such a small percentage of their life as kids.