
I should have been clearer that I was more talking about this sentence "She fell at mile 20 and hit her head, but insisted on finishing the race, like a true runner." I hate the idea that true runners ignore injuries and keep going. That's not being a true runner, that's being stupid and putting your life / health in

Yeah, I feel bad about myself outside when people lap me - I run really slowly, like 12/13 minute miles. But I always tell myself hey, my workout is actually lasting longer than theirs so I'm more hardcore anyway. :)

Have you tried slowing way, way down? I was never able to increase my distance until someone pointed out to me that I could easily run more slowly - and then bam. All of a sudden I was able to run more miles. I started working on speeding up later, once I had hit my desired distance.

Basically a lot of people who ignored their body's signals and made a bad situation a whole lot worse. People completely lose control of their bodies, so a lot of people pooping and peeing all over themselves involuntarily. I saw a runner who had tripped, stretched out his hand to catch his fall, and likely broken his

Did she die because she hit her head? Because if so... :(

I mean, this is better than the Chick-Fil-A guy, who basically said I stand by my hatred. The best we can expect from people, other than not fucking up in the first place, is for them to genuinely apologize and learn and grow from their experience. I don't care if it's motivated by the bottom line, I'm not going to

Oh man those look amazing!!!

Well considering that 40% of that cost is the iPad, if you're not someone who carries your iPad or comparable electronic in your purse of course the cost is going to drop considerably. My purse has a lot of value in it - it's a cheap canvas tote bag, but my wallet is a Louis Vuitton that my parents gave me for my 18th

OMG! You're awesome.

I am one of those annoying people who loves EVERY holiday, but I seriously love Halloween. I'm all alone for it this year, which is kind of a bummer, but it's my first year living on what is apparently a famous Halloween street in Philly. So I am going to sit outside with a glass of champagne in my special Halloween

You don't see a difference between laughing in an uncomfortable situation and taking out your phone, taking a posed picture of yourself, and then posting it to the internet?

So beautifully said and I hope a lot of people (especially that one strange commenter who is all over this article defending these kids) take the time to read it and really think about it.

But Blurred Lines is not being sung by a character in a musical about being imprisoned for date rape. It's a pop song that's normalizing sexual violence as the natural order of things. You can't just completely take things out of context and compare the two.

Agree. I thought it was going to be about their actual crimes (trying to hire an assassin to have Snow White killed, etc.) not made up crimes. I'm disappointed too.

Ugh, that would make me feel crazy and so upset! It sounds to me like they don't actually think you are in charge of them. Perhaps your boss could help you make it more clear that you're the one in charge of this project, and that they do actually answer to you?

First of all, I'm so, so sorry. I know this must be awful, and I hope you have people supporting you through this.

Yeah, that needs to be stitched on a pillow or something.

See, this is EXACTLY what I was talking about in the Dear Prudence post. It may seem like basic safety advice you'd give anyone else in any other situation, but it isn't, because it allows dipshits like this to imply that women are somehow complicit in their victimization.

Hah! I love it. That must be a real time saver. :)

I hate that too. And (this outs me as a super curmudgeon) I can't stand it when in TV Shows / Movies women who have lost their fathers ask another man to walk them down the aisle and give them away. How about having your mother do that? Why on earth does it need to be a man giving you to another man?