
Calling dressage "dancing" and claiming that dressage is something normal people would never do is really weird. Dressage is one of the oldest and most respected forms of horsemanship, and the vast majority of good equestrians practice dressage. It allows you to teach the horse discipline and obedience, as well as

Sorry Amy, but Team Shonda. You could have at least addressed it.

Please do not go to a homeopath. There are a lot of complementary medical treatments that actually do help and are supported by medical doctors, but homeopathy has been proven to be false. You are wasting your money and your time.

I worked in magazines and can see fairly clearly how this happened. She gave him her answer about wearing it while teaching her summer class, he emailed it to the designer (who gave Lucky that dress for free in exchange for free publicity) and the designer said they wanted the dress to come across as a special fancy

As someone who's worked in magazines it seems fairly obvious to me that the editor emailed that quote to the dress company, who basically gave the dress to them in exchange for free advertising. The company responded that they wanted their dress to be seen as a fancy occasions dress, not as a work dress. So he emailed

This seems like such a grass is greener thing - I have always wished I was not such a morning person. I tend to wake up naturally at 6 AM, but as a result I fall asleep really early. And if I've had a late night, it's almost physically impossible for me to sleep in. I have always wanted to try to train myself to stay

If it was some random guy, I understand what you're saying. But if it was Brad Pitt, I think there's a good chance to would let someone know he was trying to cheat on Angelina Jolie with me. I do agree with you, though, that thinking her response wasn't the best one is not the same as thinking she should have just

I think with them the idea is actually not that their body isn't good enough, it's that they don't want to show their actual naked body. I know that was the deal with Angelina Jolie (which always struck me as weird, since it was computer engineered anyway). I assume it's the same with Rihanna?

"Woah, you guys, Joel Madden are, like, totally zany! Following wife Nicole Richie ‘s lead by dying his hair ker-azy colors."

I would say something to her on OK Cupid, rather than on the train. Personally, I would think it was sweet. Something like "Not to sound creepy, but we actually commute together and I've always been intrigued by you. And now you've popped up on OK Cupid!"

The person linked to a well known conspiracy site to "balance out the vaccination arguments" and said that they would "wait ten years" to see what studies show about vaccines and autism. Despite the fact that there have been 20 studies since the 1980s showing that there is no link. I don't think this person wants to

The person linked to a well known conspiracy site to "balance out the vaccination arguments" and said that they would "wait ten years" to see what studies show about vaccines and autism. Despite the fact that there have been 20 studies since the 1980s showing that there is no link. I don't think this person wants to

I hope that in those ten years you don't have any children, so you don't endanger other people through your stupidity. You are, quite simply, wrong. We know that there is no link between vaccines and autism, period. []

Never mind.

The people on Intervention don't show up on the covers of Us Weekly talking about their engagements or their diets or their new babies though. So I don't think that's exactly the same thing.

When I was on the swim team, when we went to away meets where we had to pay for hotels everyone shared rooms - and that included one unlucky person who had to stay with our coach. We all rotated who had to stay in the coach's room, since obviously it was more fun being in a room with someone your own age. But my

Replying to promote. Very well said!

Suggestions for how to keep a hangover at bay when you wake up still drunk, so feel ok, but know badness is coming soon? I'm drinking water and took painkillers...

My family is a super old Southern family, and as far as I know (and that's pretty far - my dad is really in to genealogy) my ancestors did not own any slaves. There were plenty of poor people in the South who weren't able to afford them and worked small pieces of land on their own. Obviously I don't doubt that they

I'm not disagreeing with you, but I do wonder what you would have had them do. Not have any people of color in the movie at all? Take a break from the superhero origin story in order to have Captain America visit internment camps? It's not really fair to expect a movie to address all the issues of its given time