
Can we stop arguing for gay marriage by pointing out how the straights are abusing it? It's totally irrelevant. I don't care if every single gay person in the country wants to get married for 24 hours in Vegas - they should be allowed to. This idea that the sanctity of marriage doesn't exist because of Kim Kardashian

That still doesn't have anything to do with gay marriage though. In that interview I posted, he said he believes it should be a state's rights issue, which is why he doesn't support DOMA - not exactly a rousing endorsement for gay rights. Like I said, it's clear that he has done a lot for gay men and women in this

Can someone help clarify something for me here? During the campaign in 2008, Obama specifically said that as a Christian, he believes that marriage is between one man and one woman, and that he supports civil unions rather than marriage for gay men and women. (Such as in this interview: []).

Yeah, I lived in NY on a street where there actually was no crosswalk for 7th avenue, and you had to get across somehow. So people just jaywalked. I understand that it's not a perfect world and sometimes it just happens. But I also see people doing it really stupidly, for no reason. And now that I'm driving in a city,

There are definitely a lot of people who just refuse to be mindful of bikers, but there are also a lot of bikers who think being on a bike means they can do whatever they want - darting between cars, crossing through red lights, stuff like that. It scares the crap out of me, because as the person in the car, you're

Exactly. I'm especially scared on weekends, when people are out, drunk, and just not paying attention at all.

It says she was on Atlantic Avenue, which I would not call a residential street. And believe it or not, hitting someone with your gigantic car going 25 miles an hour can cause a lot of damage.

The way that New York Post article is worded is so unfair, if he did indeed have the green light. "Mows down?"

I feel like it's worth noting that people living in affluent neighborhoods are more likely to PAY FOR a website that helps them cheat rather than meeting their mistresses the old fashioned way, in bars/at work etc. Correlation does not imply causation, etc. Also, when I lived in NYC I heard way more about Ashley

Believe it or not he was a scientologist! He gave me some little brochure that directed me to their library on the Upper East Side.

Either I've had that exact same cab driver, or the scientologists have a script they read from when recruiting 20-something girls in the back of cabs...

I loved the Purple Moon games SO MUCH, and I think I was actually a little too old for their age range. They were really girl positive - they basically taught that traditional growing up moral stuff, ie, popularity isn't everything, don't be a bully, etc. But you could get little glimpses of the other characters lives

Nope, that makes total sense!

Thanks, that helps clarify things. Isn't there a difference though, in that PPD is directly linked to physically giving birth? Like, an adoptive mother can't get it (but could get "baby blues") but a woman who gave birth and gave up the baby for adoption could? Or is that a misunderstanding on my part? I guess I'm

Isn't there a difference between postpartum depression, which is specifically linked to symptoms relating to your feelings about your baby and has a real connection to all the hormonal and body changes going on, and "getting depressed soon after you have a baby?" Surely the dad's fall into the latter category and

Your last paragraph is so spot on (and the first part of your comment just makes me incredibly sad, as I'm currently in med school and hope to become an OB/GYN.) But right now, we can't know if someone ever is actually "choosing" to keep a baby - and the way things are going, it will be a long time until we have an

Yeah, logically I agree with you 100%. And I also think that even help for addicts while they were pregnant wouldn't necessarily work, since I think in most cases addicts need to want to get help, rather than being forced into treatment. It's just a hard issue for me, and I think I have to settle for being morally

Yeah, I know. And logically, I know that there's no way to do anything about it without severely endangering women's rights, which obviously I'm against. I mean, if you take it really far it can get to the point of being ridiculous and frightening - what if someone gets sick and decides to take lifesaving drugs that

This one is really hard for me. As a pro-choice woman I understand the dangerous precedent, slippery slope argument. At the same time, I think if a fetus is intended to be carried to term then it does accrue certain rights, similar to endangerment of a child. It's not OK to give a newborn drugs, it shouldn't be OK to