
Not only was Naleigh adopted but she is also a special needs child. Heigl was talking about the difficulties of bonding when you're in a situation like that vs. typical motherhood. She's bringing awareness to the issue of special needs children, which I applaud her for.

I think you can have a mother who is a best friend, and have experiences that are truly yours simultaneously. I don't know where this idea emerged that best friend means "tell each other literally everything." I talk about a ton of stuff with my mom that I really only talk with her about, a ton of stuff with my

The books have the same problem that the Sookie Stackhouse books do, in that every new case she works, some new player is totally in love with her. It gets super tiring, as done the folksy first person narrative. That said, I've read most of these and the Sookie Stackhouse series, so obviously the stories are

I think you're being a little deliberately obtuse. It's great that you enjoy spending the majority of your time alone, and you shouldn't be judged for that preference, but surely people who get lonely and would rather be with others don't deserve to be judged either? Different people have different personalities and

Your logic is completely faulty. If someone tells me to press a button that will kill either someone I know or a stranger, I'm obviously going to feel worse about killing someone I know. But no matter who I kill, the act was the same level of wrong no matter what.

Now you're talking about the guilt a person feels based on personal connection. That's not the same thing as fault, which is what you were talking about in your comment. I'm sure the husbands do feel the effect of hurting their wives more than the mistresses do - that doesn't mean the mistress isn't consciously making

"Even if the wife was devastated by infidelity, that would be the HUSBAND's fault..."

Originally, the drinking age was 21 because that was the age necessary to vote when Prohibition was appealed. When the voting age changed to 18, many states dropped their drinking age, but people drive here a lot more than in other countries and the driving age here is 16. As drunk driving fatalities became more

It's OK - tone is hard on the internet and I get prickly when talking about religion because you don't always find the most welcoming environment on Jezebel (you, however, have been great and it's been wonderful to find someone who disagrees with me so rationally and respectfully!)

Oh, absolutely not. We need to institute some sort of protections to keep stuff like this from happening, the problem being that right now the dialogue is being completely dominated by the loud unreasonable crazy people, and as a result our government has to tiptoe around everything for fear of being accused of

I'm well aware of the role religion plays in the world. I don't need to be talked down to, thanks.

Most of what people use to justify the nasty stuff comes from the Old Testament, not the New. But I won't disagree that the scriptures have been used to justify some truly disgusting stuff. I won't agree, however, that that means they were inherently flawed in the first place. Environmentalism has been used to justify

Christianity is a deviation of Judaism that follows the teachings of Jesus and believes he is the son of God. The teachings of Jesus don't allow for the hatred and bigotry that many people who proclaim themselves to be Christian take part in. I think that's pretty reasonable and clear, and a lot more reasonable than

I disagree, I think you can say that the hatred and bigotry practiced by some Christians is "not Christianity" given that it directly contradicts the teachings of Jesus.

But I can find you many organizations - like my church, for example - who have not fired someone for getting pregnant. That doesn't make the news though, because it's not a terrible discriminatory practice. This is not all Christians in the world making the decision to fire her - it's one private school, making a

I see what you're saying, but still disagree that it fits. The patriarchy is a system that is inherently wrong - it's a system that perpetuates the idea that one group of people is lesser than another group of people. Christianity is a belief system that is really a set of morals meant to encourage all people to treat

Because the people who scream the loudest are the ones who get heard, and "Church volunteers spend most weekends volunteering at local homeless shelter" doesn't make for as good headlines as "Teacher Fired for Being Pregnant Out of Wedlock."

That's not the same thing at all. Some people use Christianity to justify doing terrible things, just like some people use Islam, or environmentalism, or animal rights. The doesn't mean that all Christianity, Islam, environmentalism or animal rights is inherently bad / wrong. Benevolent sexism is using something that

Replying to approve.

That's clearly ridiculous, but you're actually wrong about Curves. Their circuit workout is based on aerobic activity and strength training together. I loved my Curves membership when I had it!