
On a more serious note, I do wish we would stop perpetuating the idea that college (and every bar ever, and every street ever, etc.) is a place where women can just snap their fingers and have sex. That's really not the case for a lot of people, and it just makes you feel shitty if you're lonely, horny, whatever, to

I love it that you dissed Hotmail when they were the site's sponsor like two or three weeks ago. All that stuff about "grey" email or whatever it was. I guess that's proof that you guys aren't editorially influenced by your ads!

I don't know if I agree with that. Lots of people say really stupid shit on the internet. Not because "most" people are racist or sexist, but because they (and most likely their peer group) are racist and sexist. I still don't really think that the opinions of random people on anything are newsworthy, and they are

I don't understand why we keep reporting on this stuff. To me, it would be news if a well-known sportswriter said things like this, just like it would be news if a movie critic said Rue being black ruined the Hunger Games for her. But why is people saying idiotic bullshit on Twitter all of a sudden a news item now? I

Yes...I see.

Right, that's sort of what I mean. Almost every married couple I know started using the pull out method when they got married, because they figured now that they were committed it didn't matter as much. And then when they got pregnant it was an "accident." I imagine that's what's going on with all these celebrities

When stuff like this happens I just sort of figure someone involved is getting pregnant on purpose. Either he's lying about condom use, or the girls are not using their birth control seems suspect that you would have 3 accidental pregnancies. I feel the same way about all the celebrities who seem to

Personally, I actually agree with you, although I don't think it's her "fault" - I think she has mental health issues and the doctor who inseminated her was incredibly irresponsible and should have known better, so I guess I actually do have sympathy for her. I'm just pointing out that I think it's a dangerous road to

I'm curious if you would feel that way about her if she had not gotten pregnant through artificial insemination, but instead just through sex and not using birth control? Obviously the vast majority of people on the welfare system are not there for accidental pregnancies, and many of them have multiple children.

Ice cream makes it really hard for me to stick to my diet, and that's just not a fight I think I should have to be having with myself. Therefore ice cream should be banned permanently from existence, in order to make things easier for me. Other things that need to be banned: alcohol, sexy men who don't want to

I don't think there is an age limit because I don't think things are black and white like that. Studies show that people's cognitive abilities, especially their reasoning skills, start to rapidly decline around age 50 / 60, making it difficult for them to radically adjust their world views. You're also talking about a

You obviously want to see things in a black and white manner, and assume that because your one anecdotal piece of evidence was able to adjust, everyone should be able to. Prejudice is so much more than a simple "just decide not to be prejudiced anymore." I'm sorry you're not able to see that.

I don't think it's as simple as this. (And I'm truly glad for all these people who have wonderful, heroic grandparents, though it strikes me as slightly suspect.) There's a difference between wanting to lynch people and going with the status quo and not participating in sit-ins. I don't believe that all those people -

I dunno. My grandparents are in their 90s. They would never use the n-word or be disrespectful to someone of another race, but they definitely are racist. And I don't try to mitigate that by saying "slighty racist" or "a little prejudiced" because racism is racism and there's no point in trying to sugar coat it. When

I see what you're saying, but I don't think my comment is necessarily sad or needs to mean people are isolated. You can send an email out to the people you're close with. You can Skype with your family, even if they are thousands of miles away. You can call them on their cell phone without having to pay long distance

Um, couldn't the exact same thing be said about people who post every single thing on Facebook? Thanks for your awesome and insightful comment though.

I think it's worth mentioning that he almost became a priest. (Cannot believe I remember that from whatever Seventeen magazine article I read in high school.)

I think there's a difference between "anything that could disturb / offend" and deeply personal tragedy. Some of these people I am friends with for networking purposes, some because I haven't trimmed my Facebook list closely enough, I guess, or because of nostalgia. I wouldn't expect a colleague at my office that I

You know, I actually WOULD apply that "but what if it doesn't work out" logic to some of the stuff you mentioned. I guess it's impractical to not post about your upcoming marriage (although I do think all the posting people do about how wonderful their significant others are is just asking for karma to bite them in

I'm so sorry for your losses, and I'm so sorry that this is a bad time of year for you. People deal with grief in their own way, and if you still feel the need to mourn then please, please let yourself do that regardless of what people say to you. No one has the right to tell other people how to grieve.