
One thing this article doesn't mention, and I'm going to mention at the risk of being deemed really insensitive, is the burden it puts on your Facebook friends who may not be interested in knowing about your tragedy. I know that seems awful, but I actually don't want to know such personal things about random people I

Well like I said, I was joking? I'm glad you love yours. I hate mine and am constantly told by people who don't have them to embrace them, which drives me crazy.

Ugh, I hate this. Spoken like people who don't have freckles!

I assume you can get soy frappucinos, since you can get soy everything else.

I am the type of friend who is just never, ever, at that level. I don't want to see my friends naked, and I don't want them to see me naked. Are my friendships not meaningful enough?

But in the picture it's clearly coming out of an applicator?

From what I've learned in biology class, the eating of the placenta is mostly for survival rather than for nutrients - ie, you eat / bury your placenta so you aren't leaving your scent hanging around for predators to pick up on. Similar to burying waste. Is that not the case?

I don't ever want to have a wedding with people there, as I think it's a private moment between me and my partner. However, I love pretty dresses and amazing food and beautiful design. And obviously I would like to remember those things, if I spent money on them. Sharing photos with people of a private moment

I come from a super close knit family and so does my partner - like, talk on the phone / text each other every day type families. And if we get married, it will most likely be an elopement. We're really private people, I hate the pageantry of weddings, and I think the moment should just be between me and him. Not to

McInerney? What part of the country do you live in? I knew a few of them in NYC.

"My rule is that I never want to have a doctor who isn't totally incompetent and immoral!"

I think maybe they do and don't know it - they don't think any further beyond "this will get me props from my friends" but I think a lot of teenage boys are just stupid and driven by sex (I mean, that's true of girls too, but in this societal setup they don't have the power to ruin boys as easily.) I have known a lot

That they're potentially ruining someone's life. I think teenagers often don't think about the implications of their actions, and I don't think teen boys are thinking beyond "other boys will think I'm cool if I share this." Maybe seeing the real consequences of these actions for boys would make them think twice before

I actually don't think the pearl clutching is over the top. We shouldn't live in a society where having a naked picture get out can ruin things for you, but we do, and teen girls (and older girls) are participating in this activity at a really alarming rate. It's just not smart. Back when it was just polaroids, you

You worded this comment terribly and should have known better than to call any woman a vain bitch on this blog, even if it's a term you use only for the "manipulative ones."

You know, I think Santorum really believes what he's saying. I think Romney's just saying it in attempt to get the nomination, which is its own particular brand of despicable, but he's obviously not a true believer, as can be seen in all his flip-flopping. I'm pretty convinced that he would shift back towards the

What??? Planned Parenthood I can deal with, but no one is going to take away my Amtrak! Acela forever!

Revenge has been one of ABCs biggest (/only) hits this season. Just because it hasn't been officially picked up doesn't mean it's not coming back, it 100% is.

Back when I was around 16/17 I was really, really into BDSM - or rather, thought I was, because I was a total virgin who had no idea what was going on. I went on a BDSM dating site and advertised myself as such (pretending to be 18) and the number of men who became obsessed with me was quite frankly really, really

As someone who used to read a lot of fanfic, this strikes me as pretty typical - if only all these women knew they could go online and read all this stuff for free! It has all the typical fanfic tropes. Fanfic to "real book" is becoming more and more common these days, Naomi Novik's Temeraire started its life as "Her