
I think this is my favorite comment you've ever left on Jezebel. It's really sweet!

So, I am a childless by choice, unmarried by choice cohabiting lady. I love these two, and I feel the pain of being faced with this ridiculousness all the time. But I do sort of feel in this case that it's not totally out of left field - she wrote a movie about a woman who decides she wants a kid so badly that she has

Ack - I somehow totally misread that paragraph about them and got "child soldiers" and "raping and looting" mixed up. My point was that it seems like a lesser evil compared to the other stuff that's going on, and it's maybe not realistic to think that there's an absolutely perfect solution to the problem.

So, #1: Enough with the comments referring to Abby as fat. Her behavior has nothing to do with her weight, and would be just as abhorrent coming from a size 0.

Replying to promote. Thanks for the information.

I get what you're saying, and I feel like this myself so much of the time. But I'm not sure I can agree in this case. This isn't like breast cancer, where we're all freaking aware of it and don't need people coyly posting the color of their underwear to help with that. This is a really terribly crisis going on that

Come on, Jezebel. I'm all for being informed before you donate to charities, and I was prepared to totally hate this video - I'm that person who thought the Rally to Restore Sanity was hipster bullshit, and I've been pretty harsh about Occupy Wall Street. Is this video incredibly slickly designed to make you feel like

Apparently he loves cats so much and takes in so many rescues that he frequently isn't sure how many cats he has in his house at a given time. So maybe the winky face is meant to mean "obviously, I will be taking in the cats."

The "as long as possible" part of this isn't true - to get the full benefits of breast milk, you need to breast feed for six months. After that, it's OK to stop. If you're enjoying it and the baby is enjoying it in terms of bonding, etc., then of course it's fine to continue, but I don't think it's a good idea to

I do hour and a half-long sessions of vinyasa yoga 4 times a week. They're hard as shit. They have helped me gain muscle tone. They have not helped me lose a significant amount of weight, because it is not cardiovascular exercise, just as weight lifting alone is not enough to help you lose a significant amount of

I mean, of course you're right and I knew that as I was typing it. You can't tell anyone's health regime just by looking at them. I just get so tired of it because it seems to be this go to thing that people use to avoid admitting they have to put in work to look the way they do. I can't count the number of times I've

Obviously Crystal Renn has the right to lose weight and look however she wants, but I do hate ALL this bullshit hiking and yoga stuff. I don't believe her, she put in a lot of work to look the way she does now, just like I don't believe any movie star who says she just goes hiking with her dog and does yoga to stay

I dunno, Hugo was also pretty visually unbelievable, and I think a lot of Academy members felt peeved it had no chance of winning best picture, since it was a children's movie.

Replying to approve, since the thumbs up isn't working for me.

Pariah opened officially in 2012, which makes it too late for Oscar consideration. It would be eligible for next year but unfortunately there's almost no chance it would be nominated, since the vast majority of Oscar movies come out closer to the end of the year. Which really is unfortunate because it's a wonderful

Meek's USA Gross was $977,600. The Artist's is $28,070,412 and Tree of Life's is $13,303,319. Meek's is pretty obviously not on the same level.

From what I read, We Need to Talk About Kevin was mostly praised for Tilda Swinton's acting, and the movie itself was less impressive to critics. As a result, Swinton has been nominated for acting awards.

This video sort of makes the wrong point. None of those movies would have been even close to being nominated for a best directing Oscar. They were either too small (Circumstance), not eligible (Pariah) or not critically well received (We Need to Talk About Kevin, In the Land of Blood and Honey). This is sort of like

So is posting this article here conspiring to take down Tara's campaign, since the majority of readers (including me) will most likely rush to vote for her?

I've always thought of it as you're supposed to sacrifice so that you think about what God gave up for you - his only son, etc. I think most people don't do it like that - they use it as an exercise in self-discipline, which is sort of missing the point. I'm actually a "don't believe in the Bible, but believe in God"