
Yup, thank you. I was about to say, spoken like a person who doesn't have fertility issues and probably never will. Thanks for the wonderful insight into my personal medical problems, judgmental commenter! You're right! I'm totally spending all this money and going through all the pain of failure just because I'm

If profiting from surrogacy is illegal in the UK, then why has this woman not been prosecuted and put in jail for taking 10,000 pounds from this couple?

This just makes me upset and sad. The lunches my mother packed were so great that my eyes fill up with tears just thinking about them - I was actually sad when I got to high school and had to start eating at the cafeteria. I always got a sandwich, fruit or vegetables, chips, and a dessert, and the desserts were always

It would make my day if people would actually read articles before they comment. Kim Kardashian knew she was going to be on Turkish Cosmo, just not in this particular month - and at the end of her post she says that if she is able to increase awareness through this, then that's a good thing. No anger, no idiocy about

A good breeder cares about breeding healthy, strong dogs in comfortable environments, and making sure they get sent to happy, loving homes. A puppy mill cares about breeding as many dogs as possible, often places size (ie, teacup dogs) over health, and generally does not do any background checks about where a puppy is

Yeah, I mean I agree with you. I'm not saying that's what they SHOULD have done, I'm just saying I think the movie lacked something. For me to really like a movie, I feel like it needs to have something to say, and Hanna didn't speak to me.

It certainly was true to her character. But that's kind of my point. I find it uninteresting to watch someone who is an unapologetic killing machine remain an unapologetic killing machine for the entire movie - it could be interesting if there was some sort of discussion around her of oh, what have we done, or some

Yes, but then at the very end of the movie, speaks to Cate Blanchett in exactly the same way as she spoke to the deer - to me, that implies that to her humans and animals are all the same. I didn't feel that it wasn't true to the character that created, as SlayBelle said - I just think there's very little point to a

I hated it - at the end of the movie, there was a very "so what" feeling. No one learned anything, especially not Hanna who was still treating humans as animals, and the pacing was unbelievably slow. I feel the same way as I did about Kick Ass - a little girl killing people without being sexualized does not

Bethenny's show has been out for a while now, and is definitely not blowing their ratings away.

I actually think it has more to do with the fact that he beat up his very famous girlfriend, rather than him being black. Other celebrities with abuse in their past (Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen, for instance) are often beating up unknown women, or women who are C-list celebrities, and thus it's not as big a deal and

Yeah, but they're also professional actors, and thus have a certain "look." No one in my high school looked like that when I was growing up.

None of these actors look like children. The point of the book is that it is children being forced into committing atrocious acts - the movie will not have nearly the same impact if you have a Katniss and Peeta who look like they're both 28 years old.

Typewriters are cool. Using them because you have some bullshit philosophy about the "conviction of your thoughts" is not. And using them in any sort of professional capacity is REALLY not cool - you just create a huge amount of extra work for everyone around you.

Yes, color palate is a huge part of it, and another reasons it is sometimes necessary to comment on bodies when commenting on style! Bright, bold colors look striking on people with dark skin, for instance, and make an entirely different statement than they would on a pale blond!

He doesn't call her big, though. He calls her bigger than most other fashion bloggers, which is most likely true, and does not indicate that he finds that offensive at all - in fact, he says he loves it.

I'm not sure I agree with the controversy over this. He's specifically talking about the way those shoes look on a body like hers, and saying that he likes it and that it's beautiful. It's not always relevant to talk about style without talking about the bodies that are wearing the clothes. These shoes would have

The Bible is not hateful. Neither is the Koran. They have both been used to forward hateful agendas, but both books actually call for understanding, loving each other, behaving well in the world, etc.

And I settled down young, am totally happy with it, and don't judge others for making choices different from mine. Why can't you celebrate your slutty self without simultaneously assuming the women who didn't live it up are bitter? The two don't have to be in opposition to each other.

You are vile.