
Can we have a link to the interview, please?

It's a little silly to think that stylists aren't involved in theater events. Sure, the celebs don't get "styled" for these the way they would for a bigger red carpet, but the majority of celebs have their entire wardrobe picked out for them by stylists, so it's not really "pure, individual style."

I don't see why this is not obvious. When you take on wedding expenses (either the bride, or the groom) it's with the idea that in a few months, your debt will become each others debt, your bills will become each others bills, etc. There is no way she should be responsible for paying this on her own - at the very

She's so small that even though he only punched her once, it knocked her off her feat and severely injured her. It's likely that a larger woman would not have been hurt as badly.

The publishing industry actually is enthused about this, and it is working, but not in the way you're describing. 2-week free giveaways on sites like propel e-book sales after the free giveaway has ended, and can prompt sales of the writer's backlist. It can also help get a book on the bestseller list. But

Libraries purchase those books. Your friend purchased those books. So the author got royalties from the book that was sold. The PDF files that are put up on torrent sites are PDFs that were distributed for production or publicity purposes, and have now been hacked and stolen and put up on torrent sites. That's clearly

Publishing professional popping in here to be annoying - please don't do that. Unless it's a huge, huge author, you're not hurting the "evil" publishing houses, you're taking royalty money away from authors who really need it. Most houses have good royalty rates for e-books, so the sale of them really do matter to

I dunno - I watched it last night and liked it. I've been really interested in this case from the moment in happened (I'm an Amanda Knox apologist, I guess) and it was interesting to see it just laid out like this, without commentary. You could see how she could be telling the truth, but you could also see each aspect

"We don't bury people with beating hearts, because the heartbeat is a sign of life."

But in movies, there is a much better understanding of the fact that they're acting. They're pretending to rob a bank, they're pretending to be in a romantic relationship - in porn, they're not simulating having sex, they're actually having sex. The line between what's real and what's fake becomes much more blurred,

I don't think babyeinstein is being mean-spirited - I think you're reading WAY too much in to JWoww's statement. She's saying where she grew up. Period. That doesn't have anything to do with the subsequent statement about doing martial arts and snowboarding, which ALSO doesn't have anything to do with attending the

I'm frightened about the state of health care for women in this country. No one is choosing OB/GYN residencies anymore, the government is stripping organizations that provide health care for low-income like Planned Parenthood of funding, and physicians are scared to provide legal, sometime life-saving services out of

Kevin Tucker from THIS HEART OF MINE by Susan Elizabeth Phillips is pretty much one of the dreamiest heroes ever.

I think a large part of the issue is that in certain jobs, especially in media jobs like the ones being discussed here, the success of the company you work for really is determined by the success of your personal "brand," and at the end of the day that requires a lot of self promotion. Think Anna Wintour, Kelly

I have never been to Detroit and was blown away by that commercial - what a stunningly beautiful city.

The Chevy FB status, to me, was a commercial highlighting how terribly far our society has fallen. Seriously? We need to check our FB statuses in our cars now? What if you find out something really upsetting?

The PepsiMax commercial also seemed to feature the loathsome "black men all secretly want white women" stereotype, and I found it extremely offensive.

I think one major reason for the redesign that wasn't mentioned above was to make all the various Gawker sites more iPad friendly, right? Ironic, because right now it's not working on my iPad - the scrolling links thing doesn't show up at all.

@bluebirdred: Yes. A year or two ago a man was videotaping his wife's epidural, fainted, hit his head on a piece of machinery, and died, and since hospitals have had to be MUCH more careful about the role the father is allowed to take in the birth. People forget that this a medical procedure, that not everyone should

@clevernamehere: Yes. Thank you so much for saying this. Statistically, 1% of babies have birth defects, period, no matter what the doctors do. But people are looking for someone to blame - and our overly litigious society is leading to a lack of quality medical care for women, as more and more med school graduates