
Wasn't there an article, not too long ago, that described a similar situation Oliva Munn went through when she posed for Playboy? And yet, I believe the tone of that article was filled with sympathy for the fact that the photographers kept pushing her to go far beyond her comfort limit - there was no "well, she posed

I think the tone of this post might be very different if the biology teacher was a woman.

So why does the ideal of The Mistress continue to hold such allure?

@babyruthless: This is EXACTLY why I asked the question, because I was shocked to find out that my synthroid and endocrinologist visits don't fall under the "preventative care" blanket. What is it, if not preventative care? I guess that is my point - not that birth control shouldn't be covered, but that there are many

@lalie (apologetic mess): But those people are not counted in this bill, correct? This bill is about birth control being counted as preventative care under health insurance plans.

Honest question that is not meant to be trollish - there are many, many conditions where the high cost of medications prevent people from taking them, and thus result in a higher social cost when they become very sick and have to use the emergency room to get care for surgeries that could have been easily prevented -

I think this is very much a chicken/egg thing. If you play video games with your parents, you probably have a comfortable, fun relationship with them, which mean's you're likely to be better behaved and less depressed, which means you're more likely to want to spend time with your parents, doing things like playing

@QoB: Agreed. But I was trying to comment on the original poster's point, which seemed to be, if she didn't want to be judged for her personal choices, maybe going on reality TV was not the best idea.

@QoB: She still did not need to volunteer to have her delivery filmed.

I hate this idea that one thing is more laudable than the other - your baby isn't going to be any more special or any more healthy if you have a natural childbirth, and you're not somehow a better mother if you take an epidural. Also, health care professionals are not out to get you, but unfortunately we live in a

@FauxPas: Died in childbirth at a much higher rate.

I'm super pro-choice, and I was disturbed by that video. Especially at the end, where they seem to offer her some sort of kickback to streamline the process and she seems amenable to it - that's upsetting to me. As well as calling the nurse practitioner a c**t because she actually wants to follow the rules. I'm glad

Wow! By following these rules I can live a life full of love and free of rules!'s wrong here. This is too hard. Back to putting scrunchies on penises for me!

@charlottefreewrite: You're not having a "straight-up" period when you're on birth control either. Some women have what they personally experience as a period while they are pregnant, and that is very different from spotting. Stop being condescending.

@VirtuousVixen: I know exactly what you're saying and I used to say the exact same thing. However, recently I've had the chance to be at the delivery of a lot of babies - at 39 weeks, at 38 weeks, at 37 weeks - and the idea of abortion at 39 weeks is just not something I think we can allow to happen in our society. I

@LuckyFrog: Wow. I hope you reported her to the manager?

@StuckOnRepeat: For public school, yes. That is why people often choose to live in smaller houses / apartments, give up other luxuries, etc., so that they can be in a better school district.

I can sort of see some logic to this, at least personally, because my best relationships have been friendships that turned in to relationships, and not the other way around. But that's what works for me, personally, and I would never presume to say that's what's best for everyone. That's what makes me crazy about

Williamsburg just came.

@sarahmas: I don't know if you saw, but I actually apologized for my comment further down. I think Dan Savage is a misogynist creep and I get upset that he is so unilaterally defended - and in the past he definitely has discounted unwanted sexual experiences as "not rape." Which is definitely not saying women "deserve