
If you are depressed, or have a history of depression (or many other mental disorders), you can't go to Antarctica. If you have many chronic medical conditions, you can't go to Antarctica. If you're there over the winter (which is actually summer, right?), there is literally no way you can be flown in or out, and you

@laureltreedaphne: Saying he tells girls they deserve to be raped was wrong, but he is someone who dismisses unwanted sexual activity as not rape, and I find that troubling.

@boredparalegal: I may be mistaken, but I thought I remembered a discussion on this site where a woman was kissed / groped by her ex-boyfriend and he told her that she needed to have fought back harder, or been more clear that the relationship was over? But perhaps I am mistaken, if I am, I apologize. However, I still

@PaperHearts: To me, relationships are about compromise, in bed or out of bed. We give up certain things and change certain behaviors to make our partners happy. Dan Savage seems to always say that the person who is uncomfortable is the one who needs to be compromising - and that doesn't sit right with me.

@Chartreusie: I guess I find the way he talks to people who write in pretty offensive. In relationships, we are often asked to give up things for other people because we love them - sexually or non-sexually. And to me, relationships are about compromise. Dan Savage seems to operate from the idea that the person who is

@NonServiam: Wasn't there a large amount of discussion on this site about a column where he told a woman she needed to have said "No" more clearly to her ex-boyfriend?

Given that a lot of his sex advice boils down to "if your partner doesn't give in to whatever type of sex you want, they're the ones with the problem" - especially in regards to people who want polyamorous relationships - I find this EXTREMELY troubling. Fat acceptance is the least of his problems - how about, telling

@SpasticFurchild: The Craigslist Killer - I actually liked it, but it made me feel pretty bad for him, so I also felt conflicted and strange about it.

@SlayBelle: Yeah but he killed himself in August (a year and a day after they were supposed to get married, I think) so I was surprised they managed to end it that way.

@AitchCS: I just watched the Lifetime movie about it - he killed himself in jail and wrote the name of his fiance in blood on the wall, as well as a secret message for her - the nickname that they called each other. He died looking at pictures of her. Pretty strange and sad, overall.

Let's judge other women's choices! Hurrah! My marriage is SO superior because I don't buy in to any of that stuff that those stupid other women buy in to! Me me me me me!

@hollygirl: Well since this article is about a person who works in a fancy restaurant saying that she doesn't do that, yes?

This just shows that the good people who really do believe in what they preach are not even in the same league as the people who use their religion to justify their hate.

About a year ago I was lucky enough to get a reservation at the Waverly Inn, and Gwyneth was there. She was charming and sweet to everyone who spoke to her the entire time, from the waitstaff to the bus boy to the few people who dared to come up and interrupt her dinner. I don't know why we want to keep perpetuating

Um, that's still what publishing is. If you're the rare person without a trust fund (like me!) you have to manage to live on a tiny salary in New York for years and years and years.

@SusanDeath: His father is British, so perhaps they are going to change the mythos a little bit and have his father actually raise him, instead of leaving him to be raised by South American crime lords.

Since Nicole Kidman has spoken openly about the miscarriages she suffered and her difficulty getting pregnant / carrying her pregnancy to term (hence her two adopted children) this is particularly cruel. Shut the fuck up, Rush.

Pretty sad to hear Carrie Fischer say that, since by her own account she was seriously ill with anorexia / bulimia when that scene was shot.