
Why do we all have to want "real emotional commitments" and how is this site "objectively" depressing? It's subjectively depressing, maybe.

I'm so fucking tired of this shit. How about people who like people who like people? Do we really have to continue with this ridiculous fetishization of gay men as the perfect friend?

@small-fox: We are talking about the RATINGS SYSTEM here, not about what children in America, and you specifically do or do not do. So when determining whether or not something is rated R, the question should be "is this appropriate for someone under seventeen" not, "is this appropriate for someone who is twelve."

Rent was an incredibly popular musical, based on an incredibly popular opera, where AIDS replaced consumption as the tragic disease du jour. And this song, which has no lyrics directly relating to AIDS and is only really about measuring your life by the relationships you have with others, became an incredibly popular

@small-fox: But if you started watching R-rated movies at 12, you were going against the ratings system. You should not have been watching those movies, so it doesn't matter if that's too young for graphic sex. It's your fault or your parents fault for watching movies that are marked "not appropriate for people under

I'm always disturbed by the gaining or losing of weight for roles, since when it's done in such an extreme way actors are actually changing their bodies and the way their bodies will function for the rest of their lives. In no other aspect do we consider this necessary for someone to give an amazing performance - no

@WaffleCopter: I love that picture, and am saving it for later.

@Hooplehead: But that's not what the Candie's Foundation advocates for, and so I think it's ridiculous to criticize Bristol for being hypocritical. Her outreach encourages teens to think about the very real consequences of having sex, think about whether or not they should be having sex, and if they decide to have

There was a super awkward scene of Ben Stiller going down in Greenberg, and that was rated R, right? I don't understand the ratings system at all, but I'm guessing that the lack of passionate, orgasm at the same time, I love you so much this is life-reaffirming sex made someone over there at the MPAA uncomfortable -

As I've said before, and I'll keep saying, abstinence only DOES work. Abstinence only education does not work, which is obviously not what Bristol is advocating for since she's talking about condom use. Abstinence only is, shocker, the only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy, both teen and adult versions!

Aw - I love the buffalo check jacket. In fact, I asked for a cheaper version of it for Christmas! Some of us like the outdoorsy hunting aesthetic!

I'd encourage everyone coming here to post their terrible "first" moment to instead stop and think about whether or not that's a helpful thing to do to yourself. And then post something you, personally, like about your body. Not something that someone else has validated for you - something you're proud of. I'm

@badwendy: It didn't, though. It showed that the majority of people who watch Dancing With The Stars thought Jennifer Grey was a better dancer. That's all.

We beat a Palin in a real election. Can we please stop trying to act like this is some sort of important victory?

Call me crazy, but after seeing him on Millionaire Matchmaker I actually do have sympathy for Jason Davis. He's clearly been bullied relentlessly by his family for being different, and the only way he seems to know how to relate to women is through sexual innuendo. He's being nasty here, for sure, but that's what

@Snowbunny: Yeah, exactly. I believe texture issues exist - there are several foods I don't like the texture of. I don't believe texture issues exist that force you to eat like an eight year old.

A lot of prosecutors complain that shows like CSI set up unrealistic standards for juries and make it more difficult to get convictions - juries want to see forensic evidence that can't possibly exist in real life, they want things proven to an unreasonable extent, etc. Do you think SVU handles this aspect of

@icanhazlettucewrap: See, the thing is - I believe in texture issues. I am actually not a picky eater, but one of the few things I won't eat is mushrooms, because I don't like the texture! So I don't begrudge people that! What I don't believe in is texture issues that allow you to only eat greasy, fatty foods, and

@ms.windupbird: Yup, I am the same way! You can only eat pizza or crappy diner food so often.

@salamandrina73: I wish he was willing to do that - instead he whines about being "left out" and makes everyone go eat at a diner - when the rest of us would like to be having something like sushi. His lack of consideration definitely gets rid of any patience I may otherwise have had for it.