
@perplexetic: I didn't say it's not to be tolerated - just that I don't have patience for it. He's unwilling to make accommodations for other people - will only eat at diners where he can get his children's food, etc. - but expects us to always make accommodations for him. So I have no patience for his "problem." And

I know a ridiculous 29 year old who will only eat soda, grilled cheese, hot dogs, pizza, and pancakes (and, of course, candy.) He claims it's a texture thing that he can't get over - to which I say bullshit. That's called being a baby and not growing up. I have very little patience for it.

@Penny: They came in to my publishing company when they were shopping this book around, and I got to meet with them, and I can tell you it isn't fake. All the scenarios on the show might be, but their interactions with each other are totally genuine, and they also seemed genuine towards us in the meeting, which I

@curiousgeorgiana: I'm so sorry that happened to your mother, and I'm so glad you were there to help her. What did the supervisor do - did he say something to the agent?

@Jessysaurusrex (regina): I seriously can't tell if you're joking - did someone really express anger about you sleeping with your beagles? My mother yells at me about it, but only because she says it makes my sheets smell terrible.

@lalaland13: Um, abstinence does work. Bristol didn't practice abstinence, that's why she has a baby. Abstinence only education doesn't work, but Bristol has spoken out against that - in fact, she has said that's part of why she got pregnant.

@ms. don't shush me: I'm the same way! Further research shows that it may just be tight skirts that are getting that treatment though, so if you're wearing a dress you may be OK.

@BringerofthePain: I think it's tight skirt to loose gown - the idea being, if you're wearing a tight skirt they can't feel your inner thigh without reaching up in between your legs.

@ZiggyStarPuff: Well, here's what it says on the Massachusetts ACLU website - I guess it's only tight skirts, but this is still bizarre and frightening.

Just FYI to people traveling this holiday - I heard on the news that women wearing skirts have been required to go behind a curtain and change into a gown for the pat down. So - don't wear a skirt. That sounds disgusting and terrible.

@gingerbug: But...that's exactly what a proposal is. If you ask someone to marry you and they say no, that's a relationship killer in almost every case. The only reason we don't think of that as an "ultimatum" is that it's not "crazy women" doing it.

@LadySoprano is a Fat-Fighting Superwoman: Oh, I completely agree with that. The show is an example of the most EXTREME way it can possibly be done, and that's stupid and ridiculous. But I think men (and a lot of women) tend to have this idea that ultimatums are the worst, most manipulative thing you can do in a

@Hayley_Y: Thank you! I always say - a proposal pretty much IS an ultimatum. But women are expected to just sit quietly and wait for it, and then be excited and happy when it comes. God forbid they stand up for themselves and ask for what they want - then the men get to complain about being pressured, coerced, etc.

This is terrible on so many levels, but I also hate that it perpetuates that "ultimatums are crazy and manipulative tactics used by horrible women!" stereotype. There is nothing wrong with being honest about the fact that you want something out of a relationship, and leaving that relationship if you're not going to

@Swifter: How is it an ultimatum to be honest about wanting something that is important to you, and saying that if that's not going to happen, you are going to leave the relationship and look for something else? So many men have this thing about women and ultimatums, but when you think about them logically they're

@Kajj: Wow, yeah, you're right, I don't complain about all of them! But I guess you DO make an asshole comment to everyone who expresses an opinion, huh?

I guess I'm kind of a Debbie Downer, but the fact that people actually died last year (and I think they may have been using footage from where it happened in the skit?) kind of ruins the humor in the Black Friday sketch for me.

What disturbs me is that for so many people, flying is a necessary part of their job. And in no other instance would it be acceptable to say "you must undergo sexual assault in order to do your job correctly."