
@dcwonderwoman: The Acela has Wifi, and the plan is to bring it to the regional trains by 2012.

@roomba001: No, it's not. And the town it's located in, Athens, is a very progressive, alternative type town with a great indie music scene. I guess that was just the first Southern university that came to mind.

@SilentShout: I didn't say that it isn't relevant, just that it presents a very skewed picture of a very complex and accomplished woman. I've been waiting for days for coverage of her to show up here, and now that it has, it's coverage that seems to imply "omg, she's a bitch!"

I'm disturbed that posting this quote and only this quote seems to reduce an extremely powerful and successful woman, a woman who was integral to Ms. magazine's success and has helped countless other women move ahead in publishing, seems to reduce her to the "what a bitch" stereotype that seems to follow powerful

@theCollector: Ok, really? In order to avoid being subjected to unreasonable search and seizure, or, in this woman's case, undergo sexual assault, people should just "get a new job?" Please imagine for one second that you're talking about anything but flying - would you tell someone being sexually assaulted at work to

I'm honestly confused - why should tenuous circumstances and kids make it difficult to get married? You go down to the courthouse, you sign a piece of paper, you're married. Does she mean their tenuous circumstances make it difficult for them to have a wedding? Because that's a different issue entirely.

I'm honestly confused - why should tenuous circumstances and kids make it difficult to get married? You go down to the courthouse, you sign a piece of paper, you're married. Does she mean their tenuous circumstances make it difficult for them to have a wedding? Because that's a different issue entirely.

When I become pregnant and have to commute 45 minutes on the subway, I certainly hope that someone who is 99.9% sure makes the assumption and offers me a seat. Being so afraid of making a mistake that you don't offer common courtesies to people who need it seems to me a sad commentary on a culture that's becoming

@clockwise - counter: Really? I call my sister hot all the time. I think it's pretty normal.

@that-aint-right: It's kind of ridiculous to act like the voting on these shows is always fair, and that the only people who would dare to game the system are evil Tea Partiers. Think about things like Dial Idol, which are made to game the system. And that's kind of even worse than this, where at least people are

There have been plenty of people on DWTS who stayed on the show far longer than they should have because of their fanbase rather than their dancing ability. Remember the Master P atrociousness? I don't think it's fair to be freaking out at Bristol over this, since she is clearly trying to do her best, which is more

This was a rough way to find out that I have a 33 year old sister.

Hm - I have a platinum and diamond necklace that I wear pretty much non-stop - I was told it was OK to wear in the shower as well. I wonder if I am actually ruining it?

Er - is this the same school / district that allowed the straight pride shirts? Because otherwise, comparing the two doesn't make a lot of sense. For all we know, if someone wore a straight pride shirt to this school, it would be called "demeaning and distracting" as well - let's not muddy the two separate issues.

I am so, so excited for this. If anyone can do it beautifully, it's Baz Luhrman. I know a lot of people aren't fans of his style, but I most certainly am.

@andreanero: Right, right! Now I remember - I guess my little Ron/Hermione loving heart had blocked that out for me!

@neka78: Yes, now I remember! Thank you! Clearly I need to read the book again before I watch the movie!

@Donovanesque: I was about to say, someone's writing Harry/Hermione fic! :) I was always a Ron/Hermione shipper, sorry!

Am I out of my mind? I don't remember Hermione kissing Harry...

@eggsovereasy: Joy of Motion. It's amazing, super friendly to beginners, and they have several Metro accessible spots.