
Yes, but studies have shown that men and women need different advice because they think about spending differently. Women tend to do more emotional, "I deserve this," reward type spending, and many can use advice on how to deal with that. I can't recommend Hot (Broke) Messes enough. It's the Washington Post personal

@BuffySummers: Yes! I have one person in my group of friends who does this, and always picks 1950s / 60s crooner songs - it's the worst.

@cinnatron: See BuffySummers comment above. If you're having fun with it and you happen to have a good voice, that's one thing. But the people who go and sing in their fancy singing voices, like they think they're on American Idol and we should all just bask in the glory of their performance, kind of make karaoke a

I would say - singing well. Or trying to sing well. There's nothing more annoying than that girl who was maybe in her high school acapella group singing in her fancy head voice. Just have fun - that's what we're all here to do, not experience you living out your Broadway fantasies.

Why does that matter? Last time I checked, women had the right to vote, correct?

When I was on my high school softball team, I bought these cute cleats that had little stars on them. I was told to either get plain cleats to replace them, or not show up to practice the next day. It's confusing that the rule doesn't seem to have been consistently reinforced in this case, but I doubt it had anything

@upperloverz: You can still get the bigger sizes at Victoria's Secret online. I have the opposite problem from you - super small boobs. I have to order online, because they don't carry the sizes at the lower or higher ends of the spectrum in the store.

Is any of this stuff ever actually purchasable? Because I want that purple gingham set, so cute!

No, "dieting," is not effective, but healthy eating can be, and healthy eating does not mean eating only celery sticks and never eating chocolate cake. There is a major obesity problem in this country that is directly linked to a major poverty problem and the lack of "real" food available in certain areas. I'm

Does the murderous gnomes story make anyone else uncomfortable? What is with all the uses of "ghetto" and "gang-banging" in that story?

Surely there must be a section of people who use Facebook to keep up to date with what's going on in people's lives, post photos, and play games, without trying to craft some sort of false or protected image? In fact, I'd like to hope that that's the majority of people. I think if you're viewing Facebook as some sort

@Red_Flag: Yeah, I was more using it as an example of, basically if you put any sort of extreme restriction on yourself, your calorie intake naturally drops. I wasn't actually counting calories, but by putting major restrictions on what I could eat, my calorie intake dropped. The same thing happens if you go on any

If you limit yourself to only eating one kind of food, chances are you will lose weight, even if that food is something as disgusting as Twinkies. This isn't surprising to me at all.

I guess I don't get why this is particularly disgusting - because he's older? If these allegations are true, they don't make him a very nice person, but I don't think they're any grosser than, say, John Edwards' or Bill Clinton's misdeeds.

@Sputnik_Sweetheart: No, this is correct. Responsible doctors would NEVER perform a sex change operation without significant counseling and psychological profiling to make sure that the person was ready to handle the weight of the change.

@Virginia(formerly Jen)loveshercurves: The spike in hormones, during menstrual cycles and pregnancy and other major life changes, does increase emotional response and sentimentality in women. Your mountain-man dad is unrelated. The author is not saying the only people who cry at Folger's commercials are women on their

Shonda Rhimes.

I broke my foot over the summer, and it was ALWAYS men who got up for me, I actually got upset about it because I would see women look at my cast, then deliberately look away. Interestingly enough, coming/going to my apartment in the West Village, with mostly white, upper middle class riders, no one ever offers me a

Just to clarify, he is not saying that was the worst moment in his presidency. He is saying that was the worst of the criticism he faced during his presidency. He's still an idiot and a racist and a lot of other things, but I think a lot of the comments seem to misinterpret this statement.