
This is silly. First of all, there are as many boy stars as there are girl stars, and none of the boy stars have really fallen prey to the Disney curse, so perhaps that is something to examine - are the girls somehow more vulnerable, or do we have standards that are setting them up to fail? Second of all, I grew up

@rednrowdy: I seriously wonder if the lack of magazine spreads were because she isn't considered "mainstream" sexy since she's not white and plus sized. I still remember feeling sick when Ashton Kutcher made some crack about her looks on Punked.

@laetitiae: That makes sense - I didn't know where that statistic was coming from. Thanks!

@Peppermint: Ah, that makes sense. I didn't understand how it was getting counted - thanks for clarifying!

Why is it acceptable for the president to be on vacation for 70 days OR 225 days? 225 days is obviously more ridiculous, but in my opinion they're both pretty bad - last time I checked, most Americans, even in incredibly high stress jobs, got more like 10 or 15 days.

@Anna North: Thanks for clarifying. I've been following the story pretty closely and after the text messages were released, the tone of a lot of the reporting seemed to change to "well, she's to blame in this too," and that's been extremely upsetting to me.

I question the inclusion of Josie Lou Ratley in this round-up, since that seems to imply that her bullying somehow brought on her attack, and that seems like victim blaming to me.

@MagImpalor is a god damn spy.: I wasn't trying to be a judgmental jerk, I'm sorry. I think it's awesome that you did both - I was basing my statement on the people in my social circle, who I know did not, and I should know better than that.

@Punkin: I mean, I think Glenn Beck is totally ridiculous, but we do tend to like to do slideshows of the most idiotic signs held up at the rallies, even though I'm sure there are intelligent or at least thoughtful and correctly spelled signs present at the rally as well. I know that the majority of the people

@R_Claw: I fully agree with you but - isn't that what we do with the Tea Party rallies?

@Princess Leela: I see that worth, I do. But I don't see how that demonstration is going to help during elections tomorrow, especially when there seems to be NO discussion of the issues, why they are important, etc.

@Punkin: Unfortunately people did show up at the rally with Hitler mustaches on Republican politicians, or sexually explicit signs about Christine O'Donnell - I'd hoped that people would be too smart to do that.

Giant clap.

@Tchotchke: I was actually going to comment on the Paris Hilton post that I don't understand why we don't get equally outraged over gypsy costumes. They're not OK.

I'm VERY weirded out by this article, as much as I was by the episode. Jenna Uskowitz is thin and conventionally attractive. What is making her less attractive than Lea Michele - that's she's Asian? I'm seriously really confused, by both New York Mag's and Jezebel's take on her.

On the friend one, I just have to say - keep in mind that it's not about you, and that in general, most people don't know what goes on in a relationship except for the people in that relationship. I'm saying this as a gregarious girl with a boyfriend whose socially awkward, and thus has a lot of friends saying "wtf

@HidingInCanada: Have you checked out #groupthink and the #move tag? They both include a lot of discussion of diet and exercise, and a lot of the commenters there talk about healthy ways to lose weight.

@cand86: As I learned living in the South, you can genuinely like people and also hate their politics. It's disheartening and comforting at the same time I guess?

@hotpinklovesofa: Where did you get this info? I know several people who work on the show and this is not true at all. You think Michael Bolton negotiated a contract that sent him home early in a blaze of embarrassment?

It makes me really frustrated to see a title like "Hoppy Hump Day" and not be able to see the inevitable adorable image! Argh!