
Even if after the second kiss he had ripped her shirt off and threw her down on the bowling chairs for a full on make-out session, it wouldn't deserve to be banned, since that's the type of stuff they do on Gossip Girl all the time.

@seejanerum: Of course not. But what is the point of this? Is it supposed to be a surprise? Why does she hate him? Because she thought he was a douche, and, upon further examination, he turned out to be a douche? This just seems to be an attempt for an aspiring actress to get her fifteen minutes of fame to me.

@cool_as_KimDeal: I don't think she was saying the girl consented to sex. I think she was saying, why did she go home with someone she clearly thought was a jerk?

I don't really want to be a Situation apologist, but - what did he really do wrong here? He made it clear when they were going back to his house that he wanted to hook up, she went with him. When she decided she didn't want to hook up with him, he wanted her to leave. He's a douche, yes, but he sort of makes his

I feel sorry for the author. I think it can be hard to understand, if you don't have distorted body image and eating issues, what it's like to live inside a mind where you struggle with every ounce of fat you perceive on yourself, real or unreal. And that colors your perception of other people. It's a mental illness,

Nicole Richie and Kim K are close friends, right? So I think that's supposed to be a joke.

I'm going to be slightly obnoxious, given the nice positive tone of this post, and say I think this is silly. Ballroom dance and the male-female partners aren't about sexual orientation (obviously, since in the dance community the vast majority of male dancers are gay.) To ballroom dance competitively, one partner

I'm confused by this article because I thought this procedure was something that was already being done, not something we might have in the near future. Here is one doctor's office already offering this - or is this a different procedure? []

@AtomiClash humanitarian mizanthrope: I'm with you on this. She's been in a major political family her entire life, and, during her father's political run was tasked with helping the Republican party reach out to younger voters. She's plenty qualified to speak, at least as (if not more) qualified than the writers on

John McCain is not responsible for this, no matter how much we want to blame him for it. Sarah Palin was governor of Alaska, it's not like she just popped up out of nowhere.

So, if I decide to run for office, and then decide I want to run a political ad that features full frontal nudity and sexual penetration, I can do that because it's a campaign ad? Surely that would get turned away or censored, right? I don't understand this.

@thatsspinach: I saw Toy Story 3 regular and it was fine, but I felt like without the "amazing" 3D Avatar was just kind of a stupid movie. So then I felt like I was missing out on something. I wish the 3D trend would die.

Sorry, Susan Orlean, but yes. Publishing is a business and if you want your book to succeed you need to help us out and self-promote. And that's not a bad thing - that's the way it works in every other entertainment industry. I get so tired of writers feeling entitled to bestsellers without wanting to do any of the

MIGHT be in 3D? Of course it's going to be in 3D. James Cameron has made his feelings about 3D very clear, ie that literally every movie would be better in it. I doubt he'll ever make a non-3D movie again, which means I doubt I'll be enjoying any of his movies ever again, since I'm one of the many lucky people in this

This sentence: :And making the perpetrator a "mentally unstable" stranger takes out any doubt that rape is something that only crazy people wandering the streets commit." confuses me in the context of the rest of this post. Do you mean that it DOES make it seem like that's the only kind of people who commit rape?

I was so offended by this episode. Glee continues its streak of having the most horrific issues with women, where they're either horrible sluts who use sex to get what they want, or crazy prudes who can't bear to be touched, or asexual figures like Biest. Meanwhile, you've got Artie continuing his misogynist asshole

I wouldn't be able to eat these! Whenever my mom made / gave me a cute food shaped item, I couldn't bear to destroy it. I'm the same way now when my boyfriend gives me stuff - a giant gummy bear and a chocolate gun are both sitting in my freezer, untouched.

Trying to figure out your options when you're pregnant and scared is a ridiculously overwhelming task, even if you're an upper middle class woman with health insurance and lots of options. In such a politically charged environment, the idea of calling up doctors offices and asking if they offer abortions can be

This is so interesting to me. Great article, Dodai. Part of what's interesting to me is that I live in the West Village, on a block that SJP apparently walks down every day, and I never knew there was this carefully orchestrated circus going on. I like hearing about this symbiotic relationship that they have, because

There has GOT to be more to the story about why she got so mad in the first place. Some sort of long-standing rivalry or something. I cannot believe you would be so horrible over someone not responding to your text quickly enough.