
@Swarley: Interesting! I've learned something new today, thanks!

At least in the 80s, breasts could still get you a PG rating, as in "Sixteen Candles." Have the ratings become more restrictive since then, or have breasts started going hand in hand with harder sexual content that merits PG-13?

@drunkexpatwriter: Lately it's been harder and harder to tell what Jezebel's editorial line is, especially when it comes to outside content that's been re-posted. I'm not surprised that a number of people (myself included) were confused about whether or not this was meant in jest. It's not as clearly presented as it

@YoungBayardRustin: You have no idea what my sexual orientation is from my post, since I don't actually mention it anywhere. How about you try reading before making nasty and immature comments?

I really hope this article is a joke. If not, any valid points it may have had to make - ie, that evolutionary biology has been used to justify a lot of dumb shit - is completely overshadowed by the assertion that gay sex is naturally better than straight sex. First of all, anal sex between straight people is not "gay

For voice work, 5k an episode is pretty darn good. This sounds like parents getting greedy to me.

How about we stop subsidizing corn farmers, instead of penalizing poor people for choosing to use the money they are given to buy what they want?

Isn't it very likely that the more money you're making, the more disposable income you have to spend on things like gym memberships, personal trainers, health food, etc., and are thus likely to be able to maintain a lower body weight more easily? Also, I'd like to see how many of those higher paycheck women live in

@Ismone: If she had to undergo a painful procedure for the health of the child, she would have to do that, even if it was not something she wanted. This decision wasn't up to her, because she's not the parent of the child. Unfortunately when she became a surrogate she gave the decisions about her body that concerned

@Ismone: "For any reason?" Really? What if this had been a different birth defect. What if the child was going to be in serious pain, or wouldn't live past two years old, or would need to be on a respirator for the rest of their life. Would you think the parents should be forced to bring that child to term? Things are

There's often a lot of discussion, when we talk about pregnancy and abortion, about women's bodies being turned into nothing but vessels for the children inside them. Unfortunately, when you agree to be a surrogate, you ARE turning your body into a vessel for the child inside you, and decisions that would be yours to

Ugh, really? This episode was sympathetic to non-believers? Maybe if you mean in a "how sad for them that they can't believe" sort of way. People pushing their religion on Kurt was totally inappropriate, and in the end, even though he said he believed in his dad, he was moved to that by the power of going to church?

Actually, I don't think the Daily Mail is out of line here. They point out that if you're obese, you're unfairly stigmatized, which is certainly something that can lead to unhappiness. If you're thin, you don't have to deal with the stigma. I don't think they said anything untrue there.

James Bond?

My new dream is to figure out a way to raise money to publish an ad in Maxim, Playboy, GQ, etc. that says "If you don't want to be accused of rape, don't have sex with women who are too drunk or high to consent."

@dkissam: I was JUST coming here to say this. Perfect.

I wanted Hilary Clinton as my candidate and supported her not because she was a woman, but because her platform was better for women. Obama proved that they're not at the top of his importance list when he trampled all over the most vulnerable women in this country to pass his health care bill. Valenti is painting a

A) My Boys was on for 4 seasons, does that really count as short-lived?

It seems the one person they're actually bothering to pay is their lawyer.

Sorry my comments are all messed up today.