
@Rollercoasters: Negative talk about someone's body is never welcome here, in any form.

Hm. Repetitive chanting with no real melody or use of her amazing voice. I'm pretty disappointed in this. I don't see it becoming a classic the way "All I Want For Christmas" is.

@NellMood: He claims that they manage to be really manipulative and basically say variations of "the check is in the mail" for the first few times until it gets old and you no longer believe them. But he's also a total publicity fiend and I'm sure he LOVED the idea of being on the Real Housewives, since it's still a

I'm friends with Erwin Gomez - she didn't pay on the night of the party she crashed either, and still owes him for $10,000 worth of hair extensions. These people are crazy.

I can see that there's something wonderful in having the same last name as your spouse, and, eventually, your children. That's every woman or man's personal choice to make. I can also see that in terms of entertainment, DeGeneres is a bigger name than De Rossi. So I'm guessing that they came to the decision that way.

Wow. I pretty much think this girl is a total asshole, whether or not she's repentant (and honestly, I think she's only repentant because she got caught, and I haaaaate the smugness present in that "These are the guys everyone wants to be with," comment. Good for you, honey.)

@Blaise Astra Parker: Yup, I was just coming here to say this. The audience at Dancing With the Stars frequently boo when the judges give low scores.

@AGirlFromIpanema: Yeah I mean, I'm definitely biased because I think he's a misogynist, racist, and homophobic asshole, who acts like it's OK to proclaim he isn't all those things while at the same time making incredibly offensive jokes that indicate he kind of is. So I automatically took the tweet as a little

@missminnie: But he's not. He's making fun of all people who believe in that, and deliberately misunderstanding the transubstantiation myth in order to make it seem like Christians are stupid and deserve to be mocked. All Catholics believe in transubstantiation, not just the crazy fundamentalists.

@CandyBacon: Uh, actually no. He's atheist. Having a family that's Catholic doesn't make you a Catholic.

Yes, making fun of other people's religion because you don't like one fanatic who practices it just makes you so awesome.

Er...there is all sorts of random shit marketed towards men with NFL team logos. Including things like cologne. It's not like the NFL products that men buy are "sporty and athletic," unless you're counting jerseys and clothing which are marketed towards pretty much all ages and sexes. I see no harm here and no

@debauch: I'm not commenting here about whether or not she should or should not have been fired. I'm commenting here about whether or not comparing the choice of engaging in illegal activities and being open about it is the same as being open about your sexuality. I think it absolutely is not. To use your example,

@Beat Girl: The two are 100% unrelated though, so if that is the author's point I have a serious problem with it. This women wasn't born a sex worker, she chose to take that path, and chose to blog about it under her real name. That is not the same as being born gay and having certain jobs denied to you because of it.

@My cat hates Tom Cruise: I'm pretty sure that if one of the male teachers wrote a blog using his real name in which he revealed his past as a John, he would be fired as well.

Being gay is not illegal. Being a prostitute is. To compare the two is really ridiculous and honestly, pretty offensive.

The Big Bird one is so funny and random and cute that I kind of want to get it.

Unfortunately, this is a decision that isn't Target's - it's the designers. Many of them include in their deal to design a line that sizes will only go up to a certain point, to avoid the stigma that plus-sized clothes are too downmarket.

Really? The beginning was "clever?" I hate it when shows think they're being funny by addressing their own hype.