
Disagree with this and think it's a way overly simplistic reading of the movie. Spoilers below.

All of these are just so 90s. I am not ready for the 90s to be vintage / come back. I'm still pretending the 90s just passed.

This video just isn't funny period, but as for rape jokes...I laugh at them. I laugh at Holocaust jokes sometimes too. As long as it's TOTALLY detached from reality, I'm able to find it funny. I dunno - it's sort of like, I don't know where the line is, but I know when someone crosses it. A lot of funny jokes are

"it's also true that the risks aren't widely-known, and that the drug's widespread recommendation is worrisome"

How much do I love that Arnold Klein's twitter account name comes across as "Awkward Doctor."

What bullshit. The only thing responsible for cheaters is the cheaters themselves. In most cases I think the women and men who knowingly sleep with married people are also culpable, but in this case she was a call-girl so I don't think it applies.

Urgh. This is such a sad and complicated issue, and the majority of people talking about it, on either side, don't understand a lot of the issues that are involved in hospital births.

@AthertonMerriweather: I don't think supporting Bristol has anything to do with her politics or her opinions.

@marathonjunkie: Oh yes, the "hiking with my dog for exercise" thing KILLS me. So many of them claim that's all they do.

I love it that at least they're saying this, though. I always hate it when there are these magazine articles:

Um, omg. Mom's should not tweet about buying their children new panties for school - there is so much wrong going on there...

How hard would this get ripped to shreds in Midweek Madness if it was OK or US Weekly asking this question? Come on. "Her private life, off-camera, is her business." Exactly. And just like every other celeb focused reality show, she's getting to choose what goes on camera. And she didn't choose this. So I don't really

Does anyone else have a little bit of trouble believing this? I find it hard to believe that any designer would turn down the chance to have a dress worn on the red carpet, and while Christina certainly has an hourglass figure, she's not exactly plus sized. Sometimes I feel like she's pretty savvy and has realized

Lilou moolteepass!

Even when heartbreak is huge and real and messy, stupid things CAN help. Things like treating yourself to a spa day, or eating a whole box of chocolates - there's a reason comfort eating is so often discussed, it does exist after all - or going out with your girls on the town, faking that you're OK until all of a

I think correcting her spelling is pretty obnoxious.

Just look at the "One Day" phenomenon. It's a good book, but it's essentially a poppy romance novel. But because it's written by a guy, it's gotten tons of reviews, lots of attention, and I've seen plenty of guys reading it on the subway - making it one of the smash hits of the summer. If it had been written by a

Getting mad about the People article is a little ridiculous, though. Most likely someone from Pea In The Pod's publicity department sent out a press release announcing that her dress was from their store. People frequently reports on where celeb's clothes come from, so outrage over this is a little misplaced. The

@queenie: Yeah, it seems fun! I'm going to try it for a little while, without really ruining my privacy - I don't really understand all the anger and hate over it!

@Atomic B: Yeah, I can see how it would get totally out of control. However, I immediately went and checked my favorite bar, and the current Mayor has only checked in 9 times. I could totally get that achievement!