
@Marghy: I AM into Geocaching! Haha! :)

Aw, so much hate in the comments! Am I the only person who thought "Cool! Like Xbox achievements for real life!" and went to sign up?

But if it's true that her crimes were a response to her mother's pressure, the case is a reminder of how important a supportive family can be to raising children — and of the drastic consequences a lack of support can have on a parent's mental state.

Doesn't printing this give her exactly what she wants? I mean, "Jezebel won't even print this" basically reads as "please, please, drive up my Google hits."

The whole interview is infuriating. He basically says that the only reason it won was because Avatar made so much money and the Academy likes to "even things out."

The fact that non-racist porn exists does not mean that the porn industry, as a whole, is not racist, and that overall the porn that's produced featuring women of color is most often overly fetishist porn that perpetuates negative stereotypes about women (and men) of color. If you look at "general" porn - the type of

Sara Palin should tweet her disgust about it, since apparently that would get Obama to put them away immediately.

@artless.dodger: There was, sadly, not a lot of shirtlessness except on the part of Mickey Rourke.

I understand that it's hard to find a line between suggesting caution and victim blaming. Does that change if I float the argument that it's a bad idea for anyone to take naked pictures - not just women? A few years ago my sister had a boyfriend who made my family's life a living hell. He would email my father to tell

Seriously? What a dumb article. 3 of the men have not left anyone, one of them has a fantastic relationship with his ex-wife and his kids, and the others have made some mistakes. What assholes!

@radmadprof: Stability is more important, but academic studies have also shown that a 2-parent situation that is also stable is the ideal situation. Definitely not necessary, but it's the best circumstances under which to raise a child, apparently.

I don't want to pretend that Hooters is some sort of positive feminist thing, because obviously it's not. But. I was a waitress at both Hooters and a fancy white tablecloth restaurant. Guess where I was harassed more? Guess where I was stiffed on tips more often?

@katieupsidedown: Isn't that at least a legitimate reason for ignoring her, though, rather than just "boys matter and get names, girls don't." Jim Gordon Jr. is of no consequence, but Barbara Gordon would be, and Nolan wanted to head off fan speculation at the pass.

@magnets: It was a love between two cousins that the world thought was wrong, but it was the world that was wrong...

Evan is constantly making nasty cracks about Johnny Weir, the two of them snipe at each other constantly about skating ability, fame level, etc. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time he's made a homophobic comment about Johnny - though I think Johnny also has accused Evan of being

Girl, if I'm out of town and my boyfriend is being an asshole I probably don't know about it and definitely don't need to be held accountable for it.

Haagen Daas Pomegranate Chocolate Chip. It's pure heaven.

@la.donna.pietra: Yeah, I know. There are extreme cases where it's obvious, just like in terms of weight there are extreme cases where it's obvious. But my point was when you're discussing the rules of bodysnarking, you have to come at it from a perspective of no one knows whats going on with another person's body