
I think that no one has ever "obviously" had plastic surgery. You can suspect, but you just don't know. Does his face look pretty botoxed and plastic-y? Yes. Could he look like that naturally, or due to some sort of outside circumstances? Also yes. As much as we like to say obviously she's had a boob job, obviously

@la.donna.pietra: She decides she hates him because she seems him with another woman, though, which seems pretty standard to me. I dunno, something about it just doesn't sit right with me and I'm probably not going to be convinced otherwise, but one of the great things about literature is the ability for it to be lots

@la.donna.pietra: I don't know. Characters in the book constantly muse on the fact that, despite all her weirdness, Salander is still attractive, still sexy, etc. There's this feeling of - yes, she's sullen and tattooed and skinny and sandwich eating...but still hot! Add that to the fact that she's supposed to be

@sissylarue: Yeah, exactly. Lisbeth wouldn't have been wet dream fodder - IF she had not fallen in love with the middle aged main character / author insertion. That's what's upsetting to me. He's Steig Larsson, everyone wants to sleep with him, and the girl who cannot love falls in love with him. It's so frustrating.

Spoiler-y comment:

@meaghan2k: Yeah, I'm aware, thanks. You're actually not obligated to post those updates, and I don't. No one's defriended me in the year I've been playing it. But thanks for directing your anger and condescension towards me for no reason!

@morninggloria: Honestly, I didn't realize that she uses the Bible to judge other people, so I was just getting miffed over the idea that you can't be sexual and Christian at the same time. If she's being critical while removing herself from criticism then, yeah - that's really grating.

Weirdly, obsession with Facebook games (Farmville in particular) has actually rekindled some of my old friendships with people I hadn't talked to in a while. And it gave my mom and I something to reconnect over while in the midst of a rift. So actually, I think they can be helpful in certain circumstances. But if you

@morninggloria: Not really, though, if you're choosing to look at the Bible as a guideline rather than an actual strict set of rules. People use the Bible to justify all sorts of bullshit, but I don't think that means that you can't be a good Christian and disagree with your parents, or dress immodestly, or whatever.

Never thought I'd be defending Katy Perry, but here goes - it's not really relevant that she sings about melting popsicles. Being Christian does not mean you can't be super sexual, just like it doesn't mean you can't believe in abortion, that gay people have rights, etc. I don't find it obnoxious in the least when

Am I the only one who kind of wants to read this alleged interview, and feels ashamed of herself?

I dunno - I'd be interested to see how much injury statistics go up in the first six months of this program. I worry about inexperienced cyclists trying to navigate city traffic - I have a number of incredibly experienced friends in NY who find it hard going.

Ok, in defense of that quote - a lot of psychology tells us that our relationships are defined in large part by our relationship with our opposite sex parent. So when your daughter meets a good man, and makes the commitment to be with him for the rest of her life, I can understand why you would perhaps see that as an


@sarathelaundress: Wouldn't showing up at the Boy Scout jamboree, an organization that is incredibly discriminatory towards gay people, kind of send the wrong message to his constituent base?

@¡Vampiro atropellado!: Yeah, that's a problem I've definitely seen before, though I think that's younger, newer members to the community who have an "oh my gosh those guys are so cute!" attitude about the whole thing. But there are a lot of queer slash writers who use slash to explore and express ideas about their

Boo. I hate it when people discover fan fiction and write about it in a "oh ha ha, isn't this so weird and stupid" way. For the most part, it's a huge community that's woman dominated and super feminist positive. It's a safe space for a lot of people who have none. So, while I guess it can look funny from the outside,

So basically, "you're just jealous."

Come on, guys. Not safe for work.

I feel like I read this exact same post 30 years ago, except then it was about Cagney and Lacey!