
In combination, these things cannot be dismissed as "the practice of religious beliefs" - at least not where children's welfare is concerned.

Loathe as I am to defend Heidi and Spencer, that quote is just not true. Believe it or not, Us Weeklys that feature Heidi and /or Spencer on the cover are consistently their highest selling issues.

The thing is though, Cougar Town has been getting GREAT critical reviews. And almost all the reviews say, "This show is so fantastic and it's a shame people are put off by this terrible title."

@heartsrevolution: But it did, and that was the problem. The people who were supposed to be there to photograph the game turned around and started photographing her, which is why she retreated.

But the bars I go to also have student nights, military member nights, teachers nights, things like that. I mean, is that also discriminatory?

@Sugar Boots: I LOVE it on the show when she goes into bars and orders a skinny girl margarita, as if that's just a "thing" that everyone here in New York gets! It cracks me up.

@scone: Well, I think it's a very weird, toxic combination. When I was in high school, the parents of those boys clearly had that old school attitude of "my little ANGEL would never do anything wrong," basically being willfully blind that they were doing things like driving down to SE DC in their BMWs to buy drugs.

@youngmanoldman: I'm sorry. Stick it out. I went to Potomac (the one in McLean) and I wasn't very happy either. But rest assured - when you get to college, you will be so ridiculously well prepared for classes - you'll be astounded. The emotional stuff really sucks, but you're getting a fantastic education. If you

Raise your hand if you grew up in the wealthy, DC private school scene.

Gee, poor Tori, why would she think that? Oh, wait. Because she cheated on her new husband of a few months with Dean, while Dean was cheating on the wife he'd just had a baby with and had young children with? And then she wrote a book trying to justify her behavior?

What should factor into it, though, is the fact that this woman has clear issues with attention-seeking and seems to be not telling the truth.

I guess I am kind of obnoxious but I really hate these things. A wedding is an indulgent spectacle anyway, but at least it's supposed to be about observing a civil or religious ceremony. It's not supposed to be about making your friends and family smile politely through your self-indulgent attempt to show how special

What's interesting is that a lot of people would argue that for many people, the depressing existence of human life is countered by having children. They can bring joy to your life, make life worth living, give you immortality, etc. etc.

If these people were not "paparazzi" they would be charged with stalking. This behavior, especially when it turns in to an obsession with one particular celebrity, is extremely disturbing.

Unless you're very very thin and just clearly have that pregnancy bump, it's hard to tell. If I'm 95% sure, I offer. Anything less than that, I usually stand up on the subway as if I'm getting up at the next stop, and they can take it if they want, without me explicitly offering.

@labeled: CRAZY AUNT KANYE: But they are disabled, sort of. They're "sick." When I was pregnant I could barely stand up for more than 3 minutes in the heat without being on the verge of fainting. Not to mention the pain in my back and in my feet...

All of the Olivia Munn hate makes me really sad. First of all, what's with all the "she's not a geek!" stuff? She's pretty obsessed with manga, comic books, has learned about video games and genuinely likes them (and can genuinely kick butt at them.) I mean, what does she need to do, speak Elvish? I think she's

@rainbrain: Yeah, I am actaully 100% in agreement with this comment. And the immediate comments you got in defense of Bethenny are baffling to me. Why does everyone fall all over themselves to defend a woman who has really used that terrible mean-girl "I'm just being honest" defense for the past three years? I don't

Ugh. I wish people would quit it. When did we all start feeling the need to have our most private moments become huge public productions?

The "Is softball gay" question, especially in the context of Washington, is so, so stupid. The summer softball league in Washington, that's played on the Mall, is such a big deal that congressional offices hire interns based on whether they can swing a bat. The same goes for the summer softball leagues in New York