
Hm. Does her story ring a little bit false to anyone else? The "I was the only one bothered, because I'm so hot" thing seems very strange to me. I mean, I know from the experiences of friends that there is misogyny running rampant in the finance world. But something about this seems off to me. There is a such a thing

@MizJenkins: No. She was asking for other people to diss her on their blogs, perhaps, or for famous men to stop trusting and sleeping with her. She was not asking to get the shit beaten out of her.

The twittering of the phone number has kind of soured me on MIA. You don't expose a reporter to personal harassment because you don't like the way they portrayed you. Immature, irresponsible, and classless.

@TheGuvnah: I understand what you're saying, and it's disturbing that the idea of coerced abortion is being used to limit choice. I 100% agree. But are you honestly telling me that every woman who has had an abortion 100% wanted it and made that choice themselves? Because I know, based on personal experience, that

@TheGuvnah: This isn't exactly scientific, but if you type in "boyfriend forcing" to Google the first search result that pops up is "boyfriend forcing me to get an abortion."

@TheGuvnah: Unfortunately I'm having trouble finding an article that isn't bullshit anti-choice stuff about how abortions cause domestic violence. I'll keep looking. But I know, for instance, on this site I have seen many women speak about the fact that they got abortions based on the urging / threats of a partner.

There are also many, many men who force their partners to get abortions though, too, through threats, violence, etc. I think that's really important to add, since this piece doesn't mention it.

Ugh. I still haven't watched it and now I'm spoiled.

Is abstinence the only 100% effective birth control? Yes — but we also know how well it works.

Yeah, women who use their sexuality to make money are just so pathetic, right?

@Apollonia: Hey - PM me and we can be sisters, I need more too!

@swashbuckling: Hey - I started playing yesterday after this article and would love to be friends! :)

@girl_detective: Well, here's the thing. I think Givhan's articles, both on Sotamayor and on Kagan, has been awful. No one should care what a Supreme Court nominee is wearing.

@girl_detective: Word about the leg crossing style, but she's not misleading - Googling for five seconds took me to this extensive piece about Alito's style, as complimented by his wife's.

It's frustrating, because I know it's important to talk about this stuff, but I also know that the Post LOVES when it creates controversy. Like, all this is probably helping Givhan secure her job for the next couple of years.

Um, what? I had a nose job and it actually was like in the movies - horribly swollen for about two weeks, then the cast came off and it looked great. This sounds like either she had a bad surgeon, or she was doing the taping against medical advice because she wasn't pleased with the result of her surgery.

When privileged people get murdered, it seems like something out of a soap opera or the OC, because, unfortunately, it happens much more rarely. Add in the fact that this happened at UVA, a super preppy, super blue bloody university, and you've got a scandal - whereas sadly, with Snipes' story you've just got the

Yup. Mark me down as someone who loves her. Especially since she's always far more protective of the women in her pool than the men who are paying her - if you treat one of her girls badly, she comes down on you like hell fire. And, most of the time, when she tells the man how ridiculous he's being, she's proven right

Eh, dunno. It's been my experience that the women playing this are also the women obsessively playing Mafia Wars, Farmville, Cafe World, etc. It's just another one of those "collect stuff to decorate your virtual world" games. I admit to being addicted to a bunch of them (not Sorority Life, though) but I don't know if

@ausdenbergen: But it's a luxury that not all who have the privilege choose to do. You're not looking at rich vs. poor in terms of their food choices - you're looking at a specific demographic of rich vs. poor people in general, which makes generalizations potentially incorrect. Honestly, I'm not arguing with the