
The fact that money = thin is certainly true, but isn't the assumption being made in this article bad science? I'm genuinely asking - isn't it a correlation does not imply causation thing? You could make an argument that the type of people who shop at Whole Foods are the segment of the population that chooses to

I don't get how 132 at 5'8" is in any way overweight, but, I feel like if you take a job at Hooters you can't then turn around and act surprised when they objectify you. If she was hired on the basis of her looks, and those looks have changed in a way that is drastic enough that they would not hire her now, then I

@colormeroutine: Where on earth did I say her actions were morally wrong? I don't feel that way at all. I am trying to point out that the celebration of this draws parallels, for me at least, to the rhetoric used by the anti-choice movement, and it makes me uncomfortable.

@lizdexia: I do not doubt that this guy is a despicable human being, and I shed no tears over the fact that this woman beat the crap out of him. I'm sure he deserved it, and following orders is not an excuse.

@colormeroutine: Yes, I understand that. But here is where I am drawing my comparison - in the US, anti-abortion activists believe that they are using force in the protection of the rights of others - the fetuses. Despite the fact that in the US, abortion is legal. In this case, she was using force to defend her right

@Anita Ham Sandwich: I don't think his job is morally defensible. But in Saudi Arabia, his job is legal. In America, abortion is legal, but people who have a problem with it think it's OK to attack people doing their legal jobs. Honestly, I see a lot of similarities between this and that. Was he a terrible person who

I'm torn about this. Maybe she was "fighting years of restriction and oppression" but she was also beating up one man who hadn't done anything to her other than what he is unfortunately sanctioned to do by the government of the country in which she lives. So basically a man, doing his job, was beaten up for doing that

@elephante: I did go to the exhibit. And I felt like it was spectacle, not art. But, art is so personal that obviously my experience can be wildly different from your experience, and I don't think there's any "right" way to look at it. I just loved that little girl's comment because I felt like it cut through all the

Karl is not something I have a problem with. Just like Juliet was brought over from another life, I assume he was brought over with his parents to be part of the Others little community. Maybe Ben specifically wanted a playmate for Alex or something.

This is a beautifully written article, and it's interesting for me, as someone who is not affected at all by this, to see someone write about being incredibly affected by it. I don't know, I guess I am too cynical about art, but I feel like the majority of people going to sit with her are going not because they don't

@MsPipCheerio: I get what you're saying, and I see how my comment can come across as that. But given my knowledge of the modeling industry, where I know that already thin women are pressured to become even thinner in order to conform to an "ideal" I think that sending the model away could have been helpful. There are

Yeah...don't really care what the guy who had sex with his adopted daughter has to say about Roman Polanski.

What's sad is (though I understand that this is not the way it works with people who have EDs and it could do more harm in some instances) maybe if they had sent this model away for looking unhealthy, she would have thought, wow, I have gotten too thin and am losing work because of it. Maybe word would have gotten

@voteforme: Ah I see - the sentence is written a little strangely and made it sound like the PARENT had potentially stolen the stroller, which was confusing me.

I like this post, but what is with the random reference to the possibly stolen stroller at the liquor store. Why is it possibly stolen? Was that a race thing? I'm genuinely asking, because that seemed out of nowhere and made me uncomfortable.

@muddgirl: It becomes my business if you go and write a blog post about it.

@Bullette: There's not wearing SPF enhanced moisturizer, and then there's going to a tanning salon every day and writing a proud blog post about how you've had to have 5 melanomas removed but you like tanning so much that you just don't care, and expect to have many more instances of skin care in your lifetime. To

@patelovingvegetarian: I think I probably would judge them, though, if they wrote a public blog post about how they liked to drive at high speeds / drive drunk / drive in unsafe cars and they didn't care that they might one day end up disabled.

@PintoBeans: But she changes it from being a private decision when she posts publicly about it on a blog with thousands of readers, I think. Then it becomes a public decision, and just as she has the right to make whatever decisions she wants, I think I have the right to believe they are the wrong decisions.