
I'm sobbing right now. Those two women in the first clip are truly amazing, as is that guy and his wife. Truly wonderful people.

Weight isn't my business, and I seriously don't care why people are or aren't fat. But if you're going to go publicly announce on a blog that you take terrible care of yourself and don't care, then yeah, I reserve the right to judge. Sorry, but it is my business. Just like it's my business if you smoke, my business if

The notional fetus thing is a result of our ridiculously litigious country. It's why, if you want to go on Accutane, you have to either swear to be abstinent or go on birth control, and you have to take ridiculous tests about what you would do if your partner wanted to have unprotected sex. Because all it takes is for

The lingerie models in that Marks and Spencers article look gorgeous!!!

Was Katherine Heigel really sexually attracted to Seth Rogan? How about Halle Berry - was she really that hot for Billy Bob Thorton? Or how about one of my personal favorites - do you think Bud Cort was really attracted to Ruth Gordon?

I'm a member of the UDC. And of Daughters of the American Revolution. Scholarships from both organizations helped me put myself through college, and sitting with my grandmother going through our old papers to find my Confederate ancestor's records was one of the nicest activities I did with her. I am a liberal, who

@Tchotchke: Well, if we're going by this evolutionary stuff, I think the argument is that blondes and redheads are a rarity and are dying out - so evolutionarily, men are more attracted to them because they want to make more blonde or redhead babies.

My boyfriend finds it extremely condescending when people say his name in conversation. He says he knows that they're talking to him, and he doesn't need to have his name repeated over and over. So maybe that's her issue?

For people asking what the heck Snooki is drinking - it is called a Bulldog. Lemonade, tequila, and the Corona dumped inside. It is heaven, believe it or not.

@jemandtheholograms: I just sent mine the NY Times article in the hopes that maybe it would jolt her into understanding how bad things can get. Best of luck with your situation - I know how much it sucks.

This breaks my heart, particularly since I'm going through it right now. I used to be incredibly close with my mother. Until I met and fell in love with a man whose job is not good enough for her. Now her hatefulness has permanently damaged our relationship - but of course, she thinks he is the problem. Back when this

Aw - that's right beside the Total Beverage where they don't card.

iModel. Can she multitask?

Do you guys think Radar would use the phrase "Baby Daddy" if Halle Berry was white? I hate hate hate that term and its derogatory implication.

@Superawesomerad: In this economy, plays are having to bring in big stars in order to sell tickets. So there are a lot more "famous" people taking roles in plays, thus, many more Tony nominations for Hollywood types.

Isn't there a chance that what the teenager was told - that her children would be separated - is true? It seems like there's a definite chance that the DHS could decide that if this girl, who's already in foster care, had another child, that neither of the younger children would be in a very good environment, and thus

@OverThatRainbow: I just bought one last week - and alas, it is VERY short. Try going a size up from what you think you should be, if you really love something. They have a good return policy. But yeah, I am 5'3" and it's really more like a tunic on me.