
@MagImpalor: Actually, a lot of schools do take into account your socio-economic background, especially in terms of need based scholarships and stuff like that. I have a friend who's at NYU Law who was actively sought out because she's a first generation college grad. I think that's great, and I wish it would be done

One only needs to look at the comments on Above the Law to see that there is an incredibly dangerous race war brewing among the young attorneys at top law schools and firms. I applied to law school this year and got sucked in to the culture of blogs and Law School Numbers and other admissions forums / communities, and

I am militant about my car, a navy blue Audi TT convertible that I saved up to lease on an amazing deal when I was 19. The lease turned in to lease to buy and now that I live in NYC, my sister uses it, but still follows my insane rules - NOTHING is allowed to be eaten in the car, and you can only drink things that are

Most of the time when I cook I ignore the fancy ingredient requirements and everything tastes fine. But when I do splurge and use the special stuff, there's a noticeable difference in quality. Martha ain't wrong.

@MagImpalor: If you know someone is involved with someone else, and still choose to get involved - then yes, you should be blamed. No, you're not the one who's cheating, but you're still deliberately doing something you know will at best, cause pain, and at worst, destroy a family.

Sorry. That Barbie nails thing would have made my sister scream with delight when she was a little girl, and I don't see anything wrong with it, other than maybe the price point.

So, here is a scary story, which is the reason I don't support this. When I was in college, a guy tried to assault me. I had always heard "knee him in the balls - the pain is so bad that it incapacitates them and you can get away." Well, that's not true. The guy hit me so hard he fractured my cheekbone and I couldn't

@TheFormerJuneBronson: Oh I agree - I'm just pointing out why I doubt they will be going after it. And saying that the AMA can deal with medical ethics violations regardless of whether or not lawsuits can be filed.

What does being tall have to do with nude shoes? Are they better for short women?

@TheFormerJuneBronson: The AMA actually acts regardless of malpractice suits, though. You can be protected from being sued, but still have your license revoked by the AMA. Plus, this law, even though it is being used for anti-choice purposes, is probably seen as a win for OBGYNs in general. Lawsuits have gotten so out

@MizJenkins: I think that probably a lot of the women are older when they decide they want to have kids, which could have something to do with it. But I think it's also probably having the money and the resources to go through the incredibly arduous adoption process, and feeling that since they are that lucky, they

OK. I am officially in love with Sandra Bullock. What an amazing way to just totally change the story and make it into something positive.

@morninggloria: I think she's said that it was fueled by all the ridiculous attention that got paid to her weight in the past couple of years - I can buy that.

The Ken Paves scene (and the 40 Year Old Virgin scene) drives me crazy because it just doesn't hurt THAT much. I know some women have low pain thresholds or are more sensitive, etc. etc., but most women are not writhing around on the table screaming in pain. So are men just babies? What is the reason for this kind of

@lollilove: She was recently on Celebrity Fit Club (whether or not that counts as doing anything is up to you.)

JC Chasez? Really? I thought that rumor was done away with back in the N'SYNC days. I brought this point up on the original post and people pointed out to me that she's talked about her body image issues in the past, so that's where the assumptions are probably coming from. Doesn't mean that it's right to make that assumption, though.

@malishka: Oh!!! I LOVE this comment.

The Machiavellian stuff is definitely me. I have let people take ideas that were mine and run with them, simply because I am too scared of the "awkwardness" that would be presented by me speaking up for myself.

@MizJenkins: Yeah, you're definitely right. But a lot of times (and I have done this myself, in the past) I see people responding to truly horrible comments saying things like "you can't seriously believe that" or something similar. And I think that does no good - it just promotes them and allows more people to see