
Don’t say that.

IDGAF about sexual abuse allegations against Biden because a little over half of America’s voting white women voted for Donald “Grab ‘Em By The Pussy” Trump so stop it.

This is not worth $5950.

This is difficult for me.

But what freedom should mean is complete freedom no pissy government telling you what to do on a daily basis

Hey, they work hard for their money.  They start with nothing and wo-  LOL sorry.  Sorry.  Can we cut and do that over?  Sorry.  *makeup*

Sir! Your right hand had better have been over your heart while you typed that.

There isn’t enough action figure in this.

Wrath of Khan was the best of the Star Trek movies, I think.

I’m laughing at the superior intellect.

Takeaway: The most profitable corporation in human history can’t go two months without money.

On first seeing the header image I thought, “Some outrageous sh-...*

That was beautiful.

I can tell this image is shopped because no one with a Trump flag flying on their car needs to apply a “DICK MOBILE” bumper sticker to the same car.

(6:30pm) No need! You know exactly what these nig- wait. I think someone just did something creative on Tik Tok. I need to learn this. brb...

I have a high trust factor in that game, but Valve being Valve, we have no idea what improves someone’s trust factor and what will lower it.

A 31-year-old white woman with no credentials other than being a 31-year-old white woman—which is the equivalent of being a 24-year-old black woman with a Ph.D. who discovered real-life vibranium—is now the person who Trump’s turning to during the coronavirus to help with his rebrand because

As a black man I can understand where he’s coming from.


Drill at Mar-a-Lago.