
Hailee: Those are not pants. They are tights.

Or just pair them with a Paula Deen shirt so you don’t even need to worry about your front privates!

not going to lie, this is exactly how my mom gets in contact with me when she needs me.

So between housing, food, and daycare, you’re essentially spending all your income at a time that you’re also supposed to be saving for retirement, college, a new car to replace the one that will break down eventually, etc.

There is some backlash against new mothers who work if they are wealthy enough (or appear wealthy enough) to afford not to. If a new mother is poor, though, she is viewed as lazy and wasting taxpayer money if she chooses to take public assistance to better care for her child.

I love that show, every one is soooo talented.

They are that typical example of a bitter resentful couple out to destroy each other after the break up, but amplified because they're famous, but they need to grow the hell up and get it together for their kid. It's not a good look.

This just reminded me, a few days ago I was wearing a low cut v-neck and a little kid pointed at me and said in shock, “You have a chest butt!”

When you’re as fat as me and Paula, it’s more flattering to have shirts that cover your awakward fat apron in the front and flabby ass in the back. Shirts that stop at the waistline look awful on me. :(

I do the thing with the headphones too. I won’t dare turn them on so I can hear if people are coming up to me.

I’m from Team Dog, and we would like a word.

Something about big strong men holding tiny animals warms my cold, apathetic heart.

John Stamos is living his best life.

While everyone else is arguing over intent, let me propose this:

Because he’s a tortured artist. They always produce the best art, but they’re the worst people to actually be around.

I’m worse! I get pepperoni, pineapple, and jalapenos. I like the salty/sweet/spicy combo.

I’ve seen too much “The Walking Dead” to be happy about someone rising from the grave. If anyone comes back to life today or any other day I'm going full Rick Grimes on that motherfucker.

way to sleuth it out!!

Big ol’ softbox bounced off the ceiling, from the looks of it.

You know, I bought a romper for a vacation, and enjoy it immensely, but that’s not what I want from BR. I want fucking v-neck sweaters and a-line skirts and they are not bringing any of that right now.