
Real talk: infant clothing is incredibly rewarding to make as a knitter. Works up quickly, finished product is hella cute, and even if you use top dollar yarn, usually not that expensive. And then, when you gift it away, you are the boss of that baby shower.

With those gleaming muscles and all that hair, he’s more like the Fabio of horses.

You know what, this was still classier than about 80% of everything Trump has said and done throughout the campaign thus far.

Vibrators? Of course.

Can you imagine going to a doctor for this? YES DOCTOR I AM HERE FOR MY, UM, THERAPY!

Learning is so damn fun!

I have just remembered that I once got drunk and had an online fight with a teenager of my acquaintance about which was the best starter Pokémon so I feel like I have lost the moral high ground now.

I love how British everything is: The prim and proper reporter, the wife who’s gone quietly mad and now seems to have two handmaidens in pig form, and the silent, trainer and tracksuit clad husband who clearly has much to say but only brings up the grunting over the telly.

Adorable and delicious.

Get a pug. They grunt and snort the same and are about as round.

I feel like I will never have so little going on in my life that I need to get into online fights with a child. And I am a very petty person. With very little going on in life.

I will not watch any one of these videos, but I will read this stories about them. Second-hand is about as close as I want to get to this.

Dude, 4 day old sweat and oil are the best forms of “organic” hair gel out there! Just like how ball sweat and ass are organic perfumes.


A new thing that today’s cadre of gender judges needs to realize: they aren’t the only game in town or even the majority any more.

This is one of the saddest stories I’ve ever read.

How do you not call it the Macheese Gun?

We celebrated Sinkhole de Mayo last week. We are DEFINITELY sinking here.