
Upopular opinion: Look, OK, I get it. Allergic reactions suck. But THEY HAPPEN. That’s why you have to take personal responsibility for looking at the ingredients in whatever personal care items you’re using, and if you experience a reaction, FUCKING STOP USING IT AND TRY SOMETHING WITH DIFFERENT INGREDIENTS.

Yeah, you’re absolutely right. The girl would have been told not to wear such tight clothes and the boy would have been given in school detention or something.

Bull fucking shit. I reported boys grabbing my tits MULTIPLE TIMES to my school and they fucking got detention. So no, this is not okay but don’t act like boys don’t get away with this bullshit EVERYDAY.

Sadly, they will never find the black box and we will never know what actually happened that resulted in the pilot(s) turning off the transponder, turning around and flying off course until they crashed into the ocean.

Exactly! I mean, if I knew the items I was getting were clean, in good repair, and were designer pieces I knew I would wear multiple times but couldn’t afford to buy, I’d use this service. Plus, if you get tired of something or it no longer fits, you can just return it and not have to deal with reselling it (or having

I would probably try this if I were to suddenly land a new job requiring a professional wardrobe. I mean sure, it’s better in the long run to invest in some quality work clothes, but if you are just starting out and don’t have the $$$ to spend up front, this doesn’t seem liked a terrible choice.

This (their yearly total) is how much I spend per year on clothes I own (I have no idea if that’s egregious or not. I often thrift?). Not sure id want to return. If it were like $30 a month for extra fun? hell yes.

It’s been done.

Wasn’t there a service like that already? Gwinnie Bee or something? And there’s one for luxury bags rental.

Escape from Death Row!

Kendra Wilkinson’s friendship with fellow Girl Next Door Holly Madison was ALL FAKE.*

Drugs, eating disorder, not able to handle the fame at such a young age...

Cocaine’s a hell of a drug.

The third really highlighted that Roth isn't a great writer. I could never tell whether it was tris or four narrating because their voices were EXACTLY the same.

The R.R.S. P.E.C.T.

Maybe because the third book sucked?

too bad i gave up so much stuff for lent including the alcs

Okay. So my first thought was shocker /s


I agree that the article and the title don’t sync up, but I loved the title!!! It made me a little disappointed that the article wasn’t bitchier.