
Poor thing. I would imagine she’s probably still in some state of shock that’s helping her get through. I remember going to work the morning after my dad passed away and being able to function just because reality hadn’t set in yet. Serious respect for her to go on with a live performance though.

As a childless single for life who had to raid my short lived 401k after a layoff, retirement looks like a sleeping bag under a bridge at this point. I'm not worried about me, it's just sadder than sad to imagine the decades of hard work most if not all of these people put in and now politicians are nickel and diming

Analog dick pics! OMG

I say this as a total Tenacious D stan, but he is sooooo musically talented. So is Kyle. And hilarious.

YA dystopian future novel in the works right there.

More horrific images of the brutalisation of black people I don’t need. I would rather more and varied depictions of black women in particular in all genres. But no more of this please. There is not enough range in cinema to support these types of films without damaging our psyches. Those who care to know and

Now playing

I’m pushing 40 and I got all the references in this piece, but that’s because I am obsessed with (what used to be) indie rock & electronic music. Julianne, you mentioned Dev Hynes. I wish more people were familiar with his work. He produces and writes songs for other artists but also writes, records and performs as

I have a comedic obsession with T-Rex, one of my friends found a book called “T-Rex Trying” and it is hilarious. I don’t think snow shoveling was in the mix, but obviously it should have been.

Any excuse.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you saying Puffs are in any way inferior to Kleenex? Kleenex will rub your nose raw if you’re using them for more than half a day. Puffs (especially the lotion ones) are so soft and awesome, that you will never have that problem.

I guarantee you the “Porn Oscars” have black nominees.

Since they are the only creatures expected to survive a nuclear holocaust, this just might work for me as I have no heirs. I will call her....Betty.

Yeah weird to talk through the prism of your own experiences, or those of people you love. Super weird.

I prefer Vampire-American, thank you very much.

Yeah, she was on Millihelen once, I think!

Do you know Melrose Plantation up near Natchitoches? I’m not sure if it had opened to the public or not when we were doing all our touring (and also we mainly stuck to the River Road) but it has links to Laura, in that Laura Locoul, the last family owner of Laura, was the granddaughter of a Metoyer from Natchitoches.

I’ve been to that one, many years ago when I was a teenager. My family went to one or two every time we drove through Louisiana. At the time the only one that devoted any significant amount of time to slavery on their tours was Laura, from what I remember, which also was the only one that proclaimed itself a Creole

We’re buying a house and realized during the home inspection that new house did not have a dishwasher.