
You will probably get written up for it, though. I got a talking to from the district manager when I worked at Starbucks simply for leaving the shop when I took my break. “It’s not as if you’re outside’re just...outside. People feel like you’re abandoning them during your break.” Which, of course, is the

There’s actually a third kind of person: the one who wants to work through lunch because that means they have a four-day work week and are off every Friday.

And while you are at it, take all of your damn Personal time off, if you are lucky enough to have it. I have been evangelical about this for years and the amount of blow back I get from people is crazy. Your time off is part of your compensation. Would you hand your employer back one whole paycheck a year in the name

In your monogrammed thermos

you could eat a sandwich you bring from home. Though, it won’t get you home any faster. I used to track how much money I spent on buying lunch when I worked in an office. It was a real eye opener. Even $10 a day on an inexpensive sandwich, chips and a drink adds up over a month.

I used to work with a dumbass that would try to keep working during her lunch break if we were busy and it drove my boss crazy. No matter how many times my boss tried to tell her, “Lunch breaks are mandated by the state, I could get in huge trouble if you don’t take one. And, I schedule everybody’s breaks the way I do

Yes, so adorable.

oh thank god you posted that - thought I was going to have to do a service for humanity and go find the link myself. Best/weirdest cartoon ever.

Now playing

This thread would be incomplete without this song:


Fellow picker here...

idk my boyfriend thinks it’s gross and won’t let me touch his, even though i NEED to. so maybe we could work something out? haha

I used to pop blackheads on my grandmother’s back. Then one day I got hold of one that put me off ever doing it again. Or at least it did until recently. One of my guilty pleasures now is occasionally watching blackhead-squeezing videos on YouTube. So disgusting but at the same time, so compelling. A dermatologist

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I guess you’re right. Anyway, I couldn’t help myself, I googled it.

Madam, your husband is weird. You, however, are a prize.

No fair. I have to beg my husband to let me pop his zits and blackheads for him. I only get access like once a fiscal quarter.

I’m a nail picker, as is my dad. I used to pick at scabs, til that left marks that took years to fade (not exactly scars, but close). I still pick at zits if I get them, although I aged out of acne long ago. I think this sort of thing is pretty common — I pick my nails when I am bored, stressed, or trying to think of

Ignored? Apparently nobody here has ever been to a mall in Dubai. There is a *huge* high-end designer market for Muslim women outside the West.

My grandfather referred to this as ‘bought air,’ as in “Dadgumit, y’all close that door you’re letting out all the bought air.”