
A common misconception is that cardio is the definitive solution for weight loss, but it really isn’t. If you look at how many calories are in a candy bar, and then at how much cardio you have to do to burn those calories, it’s a ridiculous and unrealistic amount of time. Your best bet is to reduce calories, and over

Walk on an incline, turn that treadmill all the way up and walk as fast as you can. I burn more calories doing this than running and don’t feel as shitty afterward. I lost 20 lbs in 3 months doing this daily, weights 2 times a week and eating better.

“Wow, what is in that cup?” Anderson asked quietly.

Best Man has to go to Ron Howard. The man has been in the business since he was a wee child and he never went down the dreaded messed up child actor route. I can’t think of anyone who else who started so young in the business and never messed up. He must have had the most amazing parents.


I just bought two of her liquid lipsticks and they are really great! A little drying, but the pigment and the staying power are really awesome. I got Backstage Bambi and Bauhau5. Love, love, love them!

I mean, as long as her make up line stays on point Kat Von D can be with whoever she wants, I guess...

Because she is like me, and millions of other women, and believes she must conform to social expectations and conventional constructs regarding what is considered attractive. She, like me, and millions of other women, has been subjected to body shaming. She, like me, and millions of other women, has been taught to

I know at one point in the 1980s she lost the weight for health reasons, but I always felt she is one of those women who looks better when a bit on the zaftig side.

My diet resolution for the new year...

Beating orangizers with toxic stingray tails:

Hong Kong isn’t like the rest of china. It kinda does its own thing.

I don’t think Teigen gets any more hate than any other woman who’s basically famous for being beautiful, then had the damned nerve to turn out to be smart, opinionated, and funny, too.

Yes! I’m torn between end table or just preserving him all curled up in a little ball like he sleeps on the couch. Then people who don’t know will come over and be like “Awww, nice dog!” and pet him and go “WTF!?”

I'd much rather adopt a new dog and give it a home than to spend a shit ton of money to clone my previous dog. We already have too many unwanted animals, so I'm not a fan of this. I also feel the same way about orphaned children.

And I thought my plan of having my dog turned into a taxidermied end table was crazy...


Remember when actors had normal-colored teeth? aaaaaah.

My husband of 7 years left when I told him I was pregnant. Even though we wanted to get pregnant. I have long since forgiven him-but for me and my son. I don’t deserve to carry around the weight of that loneliness and anger. And my son needs a positive mother. It’s not easy, but it’s SO FREEING, and it allowed me to

As an’s really sad how common this narrative is. A close friend saw her husband run off with his high-school crush, leaving her with pretty much full-time care of their nine month old son (despite lots of lip service from the guy about how he’s still suuuuuch a good dad, eye roll). Another mutual friend had