
Ha! My baby is about to turn one so pregnancy is all pretty clear in my mind. It was a surprise pregnancy so wasn’t on my radar to test early on but one night, over many many glasses of champagne, I got this overwhelming feeling to take a test. I still don’t know why. I was late but just had had my iud removed so that

I’m glad Brown and her daughter are doing well. It is also nice that the baby seems to be a happy surprise for the couple.

I understand this, but the truth is that someone having older parents is not a guarantee they’ll be lost earlier. People die all the time—my father died in his early fifties (and I was nineteen). It can happen earlier—and it will happen inevitably no matter how you slice it. It’s not great, but it’s reality.

But minions are great!

I’m 30, my mom is 71, and my dad is turning 80 (I’m adopted). Try not to think about it. It does get to me sometimes, but ... yeah, it’s hard. Try not to think about it.

It’s a food baby.

I wear mine but I usually have them turned down or only in one ear so I can hear what’s happening around me.

I am very clumsy and need to focus on walking or biking without any distractions. I live in a city with a lot of bikers and I frequently see no hands on handlebars and both hands on phone, with no helmet. How do you do this and stay alive?

It’s a personal choice. Being queer and visibly androgynous, having a lot of social anxiety, and living in a big city, I feel vulnerable NOT having headphones on when I’m out and about, especially on public transportation. Back when I first moved from the suburbs and would go out without headphones, I guess I looked

One headphone is my solution. Music in one ear; psycho, rapey cops in the other.

I don’t like headphones in public myself, for the same reason, but people do have the freedom to wear them if we choose.

I completely agree, yet I see it constantly.

I love this! Yes to more plus size options, everywhere, and double yes to not hiding them away in the corner (because plus size women don’t need to be hidden while they shop). Hopefully more places will follow suit.

Also, for the record, these types of guys ARE NOT NICE GUYS! They never were! They are at best passive aggressive, but more often than not, just plain aggressive, angry, hostile, sexist, chauvinist, misogynist, etc.... Obviously women can sense this. They reek of hostility which drives women in the opposite direction.

Okay, spoiler alert for those who do not know the Anderson story:

On the one hand, I didn’t even have Myspace until college. (We just chatted on AIM throughout that era.)

“He’s charismatic. He’s funny and he’s a good-looking guy.”

Tell it to the judge!

Child victims of sexual molestation or rape may not appear to object, because they do not understand what is happening to them, and just go along with whatever the adult wants. That's not consent, that's waiting for things to be over.

It’s also a little bit Japanese. My Japanese elementary school home ec class has a regular unit in the curriculum in how to organize your desk. Kids do a project on it. They gave to take before and after pictures and write an essay on it. Add that to the way cleaning the classroom is a scheduled part of the work day