
Samira Nasr is a breath of fresh air. She’s effortlessly elegant with an insouciance that makes Wintour look clunky and artificial in her wake.

“I built ten ships, but do they call me Seamus the shipbuilder? No!

Hahahaha fuck the police I want to drink a warm cup of pig tears. 

Can’t even make jokes about these evil fuckers anymore.
All I can think of is when Saddam Hussein was captured and how he looked like a pathetic sad broken husk of a human when he was dragged out of the hole in the ground that he was hiding in.
THAT. THAT is exactly how I want to see every one of these mother fuckers

The county coroner needs to have their license revoked, fired, and charged with being an accessory to murder.

His supporters are already saying, “No no no no, he was OBVIOUSLY saying that looting LEADS to looters shooting people. hE WAs CaLLiNg FoR aN EnD tO ViOleNce...” Completely ignoring the Walter Headley connection.

Trump is a virulent racist and bigot. And millions of people voted for him. You can debate how many voted for him explicitly because of his racism but all who support him are and always have been complicit. The only thing Trump has been consistently honest about is what a garbage human he is. He never stops telling us

Yea....gonna be one of those times when you will be drinking a beer with a friend and asking him or her “So where were YOU when the President of the United States incited violence on his fellow Americans?” and realize this

Yeah, about that “random Target”:

“Stop sweet-talking [the white man]. Tell him how you feel.... [Let him know that] if he’s not ready to clean his house up, he shouldn’t have a house. It should catch on fire and burn down.”
— Malcolm X

If the cops ever take me out like Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Sandra Bland, et al. I want and give full permission for people to riot and loot as many corporate chain stores as possible and burn as many police stations as they can all throughout the nation, in the my name and in the name of justice. I want people to

Love, respect, and solidarity to those rising up in Minneapolis, LA, Memphis, and all over this miserable country. If you want to help bail out those arrested, please contribute here:

In fact, Biden is reportedly fairing worse than Hillary Clinton with the under-40 set: His lead among 18 to 34-year-olds is narrower than Clinton’s was to President Trump during the last stretch of the 2016 election cycle.

Yep. I work in PR/media for a big institution with a reputation to manage, and even though I’m pretty early in my career, there’s no way - no possible way - I would ever prep someone for a CNN interview, hear them say “human capital stock,” and not dive on that immediately and come up with better terminology. This

Exactly! Can you imagine if those people were asked to comply with a blackout drill by staying in and turning off their lights? Entire cities would have been bombed.

Twitter/Jack Dorsey have been absolutely appalling in their response to this. Her grieving parents and widower are being re-traumatized while twitter shrugs . It is disgusting that Trump gets to use his power to manipulate her memory, meanwhile those who actually have a claim to her memory stand by helplessly.

And herein lies the problem. Decent people will not want to keep dredging up this painful situation out of respect for the family. But Trump, who has no atom of decency in his bloated body, will keep yelling about it, his lumpen followers will repeat it and with no response then claim “cover-up”. 

You’d think all these stepmoms/stepsiblings would be able to keep performing under quarantine.

“You can keep performing, the hand can stay inside the butthole.”

It’s even uglier when you don’t have money, emotional empathy from family and friends, beauty and fame. I don’t have anything against Dakota (god, how I loathe that name), but jfc, there’s nothing beautiful about mental illness.