
It's a fair question to ask. In some ways this plays to the perception that men and women share extremely different tastes and standards in regards to sexual entertainment and that there is no overlap.

Fuck this. Fuck all of these posts. Fuck them all. Really, Jezebel? How many fucking posts do we need today about how Macklemore shouldn't have won, how KL is the shit and should have won, and how Macklemore only won because he is white?

I don't know him well or anything, but he is a really genuinely nice dude.

Miracle's comment was not out of line in the least. I don't know who appointed you Sheriff around here but I don't welcome tone trolls in my threads. If you'd like to complain about tone, make your own thread.

Believe it or not, the claim that cigarette smoking during pregnancy might cause male homosexuality may be reality-based.

Yes...I am. They're...very different. You're welcome to argue about why they have landholdings, or how they manage the funds from their vast lands, or how the Duchy works with tax, but that's different from a government payout.

1. I fucking hate PETA. I will eat meat until I die just to piss them off. Also because chicken is yummy, and tofu is disgusting.

I saw a headline on FS1 (don't hate; I needed to watch at least part of the shitty Longhorns game) about 2 construction workers dying in Brazil at the World Cup site, and FIFA investigating.

If only she were using her influence and stardom to also build schools for kids, homes for Katrina victims, or award scholarships. All that shilling of products on her show should have lead to something besides a personal hoard of cash.

Like I told another commenter, there's only so much anger you can be willing to carry around. I obviously know that many of his policies are ongoing, but he is no longer in office and is no longer influential with regards to policy, which I thought was rather obvious. We can't go back in time and change what the Bush

I'm a little bit confused about what I'm supposed to take away from this article.


Retired Desi Arnaz shown to have humoungous 'splain deficit.

I have said it before and I will say it again: singular anecdotal instances are not enough to draw a widespread conclusion.

Just as Macklemore has no right to speak for all of the gay community (which he has never claimed to be doing) Le1f also has no right to speak for all of the gay community (which he explicitly was doing in those tweets).

Scientific studies are about making generalizations. I get that a lot of social justice is about breaking down generalizations and recognizing the potential for snowflakeness, but characterizing all science as anti-SJ or anti-feminist actually takes away tools from those feminist and SJ researchers to prove things

for every woman who says that she wears one out of choice there's another one compelled to do so by the laws of the country she was born in.

That’s… wrong though. If we’re talking about creepshots as in the now-defunct subreddit /r/creepshots, upskirt shots were never allowed there because taking upskirt photos is illegal and reddit doesn’t allow illegal shit. All the pictures there were exactly like this one: unsuspecting people in revealing clothes

SPOILERS: The current Japanese Constitution.....was written partially by the Americans.