I’m more impressed that you used proper punctuation and capitalisation for once.
I’m more impressed that you used proper punctuation and capitalisation for once.
Just going to stop by and say I hope you enjoyed Chester! I lived there for a year and a bit and miss the city walls a lot
You know what, I wrote a long thing (including a self-deprecating reference to Bob Belcher) but I’m just going to say sorry. I am genuinely sorry that we don’t agree on this, but you are very entitled to your position and I do - genuinely - respect your conviction in that and the experiences that conviction is based…
Ah, gotcha. When you said “transphobic” I didn’t realise you were talking about real trans people such as yourself. I just wanna know why the heck you presume so much about me? That I’m not a lesbian? That I’m “binary trans” as though I never ever get mistaken for a man? That I can’t tell the difference between a joke…
If someone thinks I look like a linebacker, that’s between them and me (and my therapist), so I’d want nothing more than for you to stay out of it. I am trying to avoid lifting more than 5kg to slim my shoulders and neck down though, so I’d appreciate the feedback.
It’s also transphobic.
To counter the vitriol from my queer sister, I just wanna say I have no problem with your comment and you’re right-on to ignore the criticism of a harmless joke. I’m so sorry for the abuse.
Ha, you call it transphobic - specifically “transphobic”, in the comment above - then I’m not allowed to talk about it. Cool, gotcha. You find it offensive, that’s your right. In many circumstances there are jokes that are blatantly offensive to me too, you know. This isn’t one of them, and getting on a high-horse and…
I took an intro criminology course as part of my Sociology minor, so I’m not an expert although I have some basic background - these stats are really fascinating (in an academic sense). I’d be interested in seeing the same data for prison pops, and even cause of death stats (although then there’s issues around…
These are, essentially, percentage likelihoods, right? So a 0.2% chance of dying in custody if you’re white, a 0.1% chance if you’re Black. PoC would be 287/300,000, or 0.095%. I don’t know how else to explain it.
Dude saying lesbians look like Beiber or whatever flavour of the month feminine dude is old, played out and FUCKING OFFENSIVE. The end. Gtfo with this. Can straight people PLEASE stop telling queers how to feel about shit?
But to suggest that it’s always wrong to compare any cis or trans man’s appearance with any cis or trans woman’s appearance or the appearance of someone who is gender fluid — regardless of their sexual orientations for that matter — that’s playing into a bullshit heteronormative and gender binary game, where to be…
That’s actually some interesting data. The race stats are completely counter to what I would have expected (which would have been either negligible difference or a slightly higher rate for non-whites). Not a surprise that mortality rate increases with age - somewhat surprising (to me) that gender makes no meaningful…
Unless I’m reading it wrong, the last table shows the mortality rate, as a number out of 100,000 (i.e. a percentage if you’re willing to move the decimal). It shows that 201 white inmates per 100,000 died in custody, and 101 Black/Af-am per 100,000 - i.e. if you’re white you are 2x more likely to die in custody.
The last thing we need to do is create a system where even more people have to work unsociable and challenging schedules. Instead we should focus on changing the physical and managerial structure of jails to that they treat those in them as actual humans, with dignity, respect, and decency. There’s no reason for jails…
Of the many funny aspects of this comment, my favourite is the attempt at self-censorsh!p.
Leslie, this trans woman thanks you for avoiding (almost) all snark in this post. It’s very easy when writing about something strange or uncomfortable to put distance between yourself and the subject with snark or intellectualism - at a time when I don’t really know to trust GM writers to handle sensitive issues, this…
You shouldn’t need someone calling you an asshole to recognise if you’re being one, though...
Hmm, it’s a fraught issue for sure. Speaking for myself, I generally would like for people to default to “Laura”, but in the sentence above I wouldn’t take offense if it was “[My boy name] was so unhappy before the transition”. Likewise, I earned my diploma and wrote my dissertation before coming out, and I’m not too…